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[ramakrishna] Digest Number 838

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Dear Maura,


We are all brain-dead to a certain extent. If you can keep your mind in God,

you will be far ahead of those whose minds are scattered about accomplishing

so-called important things in the world.


Do not distress. Think, think of God in whatever way you conceive. That is

the only thing that is important in this life.



Ramakrishna wrote:


> Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> Vivekananda Centre London

> http://www.vivekananda.co.uk

> ------


> There are 3 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. Fwd: replacing names on the list....

> " jairam seshadri " <jairamseshadri

> 2. Why Brain Damage?

> " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

> 3. Questions from a new list member

> " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda


> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 1

> Mon, 09 Jul 2001 17:57:34 -0400

> " jairam seshadri " <jairamseshadri

> Fwd: replacing names on the list....


> Dear Sir...i am forwarding a message i received from the LIST that you and

> your friends want to be a member of . Please email him directly with all the

> email addresses that you want reinstituted.

> i do not have all the addresses of your friends.

> you can email the LIST and address it to Jay at

> ramakrishna


> thank you,

> jairam


> ps. i am, as you are aware, ccing Jay with this message


> ----Original Message Follows----

> " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

> " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

> " list " <ramakrishna >, " jairam seshadri "

> <jairamseshadri

> replacing names on the list....

> Sun, 8 Jul 2001 22:36:05 +0100


> Dear Jairam


> Please let me have full email addresses of the people who

> have been taken off the list.


> This can only happen if the messages from the list are bounced

> frequently. Then the computer just takes them off the list

> and sometimes it becomes difficult to install the same

> emails back on the list as the will continue to

> reject the entry. I will try and place your email address on the

> list again - if you get nothing then please email me again.


> Let me remind other list members that if for any reason your

> mail server or your mail box rejects the group messages then

> the computer automatically will take off these names

> from our list without telling us. Please bear this in mind.


> regards

> jay


> _______________________

> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.


> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 2

> Tue, 10 Jul 2001 00:07:39 +0100

> " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

> Why Brain Damage?


> Sometimes we get questions sent to us by someone in real distress.

> We would like the list to respond directly or via the list.

> The wordings in the message are not clear due to the problem faced

> by the individual. ... Can any list member help?

> jay

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~copy email~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> -

> <mpq

> Monday, July 09, 2001 11:43

> (no subject)


> Hello I had a brief question on your view on reincarnation went to

> spiritual pages for feedback.I might have emailed you before if so

> please disregard this.I was born normal then had accident then

> braind amage.The brain does not register much although once smart.

> This is very unfair.Like the person disappeared and left a blank

> space dont know why I have to be like this.was walking across the

> street got hit by byclist then faculties were gone.this does not

> feel like human being.Anyway wonder if there is rebirth and hwo

> can I be born human again like everyone else with same

> normal human intelligence like origianlly had.This is not human this is

> blankness dont know why.Anyway wonder about your opinion of rebirht and

> also if die with dementia what can happen.Just want to be normal human

> being without brain damage.just " standard issue " brain.Thaks for any

> feedback.Know these are odd questions.Wanted to get spiritual perspective.

> How can this happen to someone be normal then nothing.


> Sincerely Maura


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> Dear Maura


> We understand your anguish.

> We will ask some of the learned members on our list

> to respond to you directly or via our list.


> Bear with us and we will try and get some replies for you.


> regards

> jay

> Vivekananda Centre London


> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 3

> Tue, 10 Jul 2001 10:00:40 +0100

> " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

> Questions from a new list member


> --- Vivekananda Centre <vivekananda

> wrote:

> > Dear Friend

> >

> > You have applied to join the Ramakrishna List.

> > Can we ask for some information about your

> > interests?

> > How did you come across the Ramakrishna List?

> > Is there any reason you are interested in this

> > particular list?

> >

> > regards

> > Vivekananda Centre London

> Dear sir,

> Thnaks a lot for your quick reply. I have been reading

> the works of Shri Ramakrishna,since I was a child and

> have greatly influenced by his teachings and off

> course by the works of Swami Vivekananda and his other

> disciples.Also I have visited the Dakhineshar temple

> and Belur Math and Cape Kumari.I want to know why

> person who worships Goddess Kali dont worship Lord

> Krishna, also I want to know of your views on Idol

> WORSHIP, since Ramakrishna on his death bed had told

> Vivekananda that he has seen all the hindu GODS and

> Goddess , as we worship in IDOL form, like KALI, RAM,

> HANUMAN, KRISHNA and also he had visions of Christ and

> Prophet Mohamed. Kindly keep me up dated about your

> activities.

> yours very truly,




> Dear Kar


> Your questions are interesting - I am taking the liberty of asking

> the Ramakrishna List members to respond - directly or via the list


> jay

> Vivekananda Centre London


> ______________________

> ______________________



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For me, Idol worship is the best path to start in trying to reach GOD.

Worshipping idols, helps us in concentrating our love towards god. All the


have some sort of idol worship. In the case of Chrisitianity, people bow before

Cross (Which is also a form

of representing GOD). Even muslims have their own symbols, which they consider

sacred. Without idol worship, it is

impossible to start thinking about god.

I have also heard that when we start worshipping an idol, and do various poojas,

these idols themselves acquire some sort of

power(as if GOD has descended on it). Does anybody know more about this.

Why do only some temples acquire fame and people believe that the idol there has

more power? Is it just a perception, or is there some truth in

that? If my question does not make sense, please forgive me.


Om Namashivah



>Thnaks a lot for your quick reply. I have been reading

>the works of Shri Ramakrishna,since I was a child and

>have greatly influenced by his teachings and off

>course by the works of Swami Vivekananda and his other

>disciples.Also I have visited the Dakhineshar temple

>and Belur Math and Cape Kumari.I want to know why

>person who worships Goddess Kali dont worship Lord

>Krishna, also I want to know of your views on Idol

>WORSHIP, since Ramakrishna on his death bed had told

>Vivekananda that he has seen all the hindu GODS and

>Goddess , as we worship in IDOL form, like KALI, RAM,

>HANUMAN, KRISHNA and also he had visions of Christ and

>Prophet Mohamed. Kindly keep me up dated about your


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A nice question.Yes we human beings like any other living beings have

magnetic power arround us.Some peole call this aura.Our body is itself a



When u concentrate on some idols some of ur energy flows through that

idol.Even u r thoughts produce waves(eletro magnetic waves).These waves has

the capability to produce good and evil things.Even a thought sends a wave

which disturb the whole cosmic world.Thats wy in Tamil langauge their is a

saying meaning " that person had fallen in the teeth of so many people or

that persons deeds had affected so many people because of their curse he is

suffering now " .these all because of our thoughts.


When u concentrate on a idol or any form it gets power because of ur

energy.The same way with so many temples for years and years people thoght

and belief had made those places full of sacred good thoughts and positive



So means are many But always use this power in good things..that is my only

humble request





Magesh Margabandhu [mmagesh]

Wednesday, July 11, 2001 9:37 AM


Re: [ramakrishna] Digest Number 838



For me, Idol worship is the best path to start in trying to reach GOD.

Worshipping idols, helps us in concentrating our love towards god. All the


have some sort of idol worship. In the case of Chrisitianity, people bow

before Cross (Which is also a form

of representing GOD). Even muslims have their own symbols, which they

consider sacred. Without idol worship, it is

impossible to start thinking about god.

I have also heard that when we start worshipping an idol, and do various

poojas, these idols themselves acquire some sort of

power(as if GOD has descended on it). Does anybody know more about this.

Why do only some temples acquire fame and people believe that the idol there

has more power? Is it just a perception, or is there some truth in

that? If my question does not make sense, please forgive me.


Om Namashivah



>Thnaks a lot for your quick reply. I have been reading

>the works of Shri Ramakrishna,since I was a child and

>have greatly influenced by his teachings and off

>course by the works of Swami Vivekananda and his other

>disciples.Also I have visited the Dakhineshar temple

>and Belur Math and Cape Kumari.I want to know why

>person who worships Goddess Kali dont worship Lord

>Krishna, also I want to know of your views on Idol

>WORSHIP, since Ramakrishna on his death bed had told

>Vivekananda that he has seen all the hindu GODS and

>Goddess , as we worship in IDOL form, like KALI, RAM,

>HANUMAN, KRISHNA and also he had visions of Christ and

>Prophet Mohamed. Kindly keep me up dated about your







Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

Vivekananda Centre London




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