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[Sri Ramakrishna] Inevitable Tragedy

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Dear Sue


Well said. I am an Indian but I can see your honesty

in putting your perspective about your country.


What we need in this world today is more and more

honesty and sincere soul searching.....whatever comes

out of that is going to be good.







--- FREESUE wrote:

> Hello friends,


> As an American, I have been reading with interest

> other view points of this

> country and this tragedy.


> I agree that this tragedy was inevitable. America

> is hated in many countries

> around the world, and this saddens me. We are seen

> as Imperlistic demi-gods,

> wealthy and powerful, pushing our noses into other

> countries business, many

> times unasked. I don't deny that this happens.

> There are times when I shake

> my head in dismay at some to the things my countries

> government does.


> However, I would like to point out tha the

> " wealth/powerful " aspect that is

> so often reffered to, and hated, does not comprise

> the majority of America.

> The wealthy and powerful make up only about 2% of

> this countries population.

> The rest of us struggle day to day to make ends

> meet, keep a roof over our

> heads and food on the table. We have homeless,

> starving, poor and poverty.

> Please remember this countries history. We were

> pioneers, hacking out our

> existance in the wilderness (native Americans and

> many immigrants). Yes,

> this has changed, we have grown, prospered, and

> gained materlistic ground. A

> phase I believe that all cultures, races, and

> countries will and must go

> through. It is only when we come to realize that

> for all we have, if we do

> not have the spiritual to balance us, we are forever

> lacking, seeking and

> trying to find " what is missing " . Many begin this

> " seeking " through the

> material. Thinking that more wealth, more power

> will be what is lacking. It

> is this search for what is missing that eventually

> brings us to god. And,

> believe me, many here in America are in that

> searching stage. Swamiji knew

> this when he was here and that was over a hundred

> years ago.


> Also, there are fanatics in almost ALL religions,

> however, I do not believe

> that these fanatics make up any majority of any

> religion. All religions have

> those who only give " lip service " to their religion,

> who try to understand

> their religion through the intellect. This is not

> exclusive to Christianity.

> I know many sincere and devoted christians, as well

> as many moslems, hindus,

> sikhs, buddists, sufi's etc. We must stop our

> tendency to judge the whole by

> the actions of a few.


> Amitedly, we have serious problems here in

> America...one being that our

> government has become soooo corrupt and less

> representative oof the people it

> is suppose to govern. It takes time to change, but

> I believe that we the

> people of America have the desire to change, and can

> and will effect the

> changes that are needed. It is a hard task to fight

> the wealth and powerful,

> but we have the freedom here in America that allows

> the people to do just

> that.


> Sue



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







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In a message dated 01-09-17 10:40:37 EDT, devahuja writes:


<< Well said. I am an Indian but I can see your honesty

in putting your perspective about your country.



Any American who does not admit that this country has serious problems, that

this country has not brought upon itself alot of the hatred that is felt

toward it is simply naive, or ill-informed. It is not always made public

knowledge here some of the things that this country does in other countries.

However, one can find out these things with research and by communicating

with people from other cultures. I have be fortunate to have had the

opportunity to make many friends, both muslim and hindu, as well as other

races, and I have always LISTENED to them, their perspectives, and their

points of view.


Many Americans are unaware of the role that their country had in putting such

people as Saddam Hussen in power, thinking that they would be able to control

him and thus control the OIL supply. Kinda backlashed I would say. The

economic sanctions that cause much suffering of the innocent people of Iraq

as well.


However, on another note, because of America's freedom, many cultures come

to America to be educated, trained and partake of America's wealth. Because

we open our doors to ALL, we put ourselves at risk. But, this is the price

of remaining a free nation.


Yet, I can say on America's behalf...there has NEVER been a RELIGIOUS war

fought on American soil. And we have religions from all beliefs and walks of

life that reside here. That is the beautiy of her freedom. You are free to

practice your religion, whatever it may be, without fear of government

interference. Our government was established on this belief...free from

religious persecution. When I see the wars that have rage for years in other

countries over religion, i.e. hindu/moslem, catholic/protestant (IRA),

Palestine/Israel, (one I have never understood I might add) and now the

Taleban in Pakistan....I am glad to see that America has valued it's freedom

from religious persecution and keeps it formost in their govening laws.


Religion and politics should never mix...America's founding fathers saw this

and until other nations realize this I'm afraid there will always be

religious fanatics, and religious wars. That's one of the beauty's of

Vedanta and why I have chosen it as my guiding light for the past 22 years..



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