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Choice of a Guru

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Dear All,


I wanted to get the group's responses to this question that I have nurtured

for long.


In the spiritual path, a Guru is a must. The sooner we have the benefit of a

spiritual master, the better. And once we have a spiritual master in life,

it means complete surrender, or at least a committment towards that. So the

choice of a guru is an important one. I do not want to surrender to just

anyone. (My ego, I know)


Gurus abound around us. Some appear on the TV every day commanding huge

gatherings. Some give lectures periodically in the country, which are very

inspirational and clarify lot of concepts. Some belong to famous missions

and organisations. How do we decide?


In the shastras, we are asked to choose a master who is self-realised. Now,

as human beings, our intellects are not perfect. Just as we cannot

understand the truth from the Vedas because of limited vision and intellect,

our choice of a Guru based on our perception is bound to be fragile. How can

I decide who has realised? Vivekananda asked Sri Ramakrishna and got an

answer. Am I to pursue a similar course? I am not a Vivekananda, and I have

doubts that people like Sri Ramakrishna are accessible to me.


I sometimes think that I am so ignorant that any Guru can help me, even if

they are not realised. In that case, my only yardstick will be

accessibility. A famous Guru will likely have very little time for me. He

has so many activities, and so many disciples. So, I should pick up someone

who can clarify my problems patiently. In due course, I will get a better

Guru when I deserve one.


What does the list think?



Sanjay Chakravarty

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It has been said that to surrender to an imperfect guru is like letting a madman

sit on your chest with a sharp instrument in his hand. So I think your question

is an important one.

My feeling is that we don't choose a true guru--he or she chooses us.

Waiting for the call becomes a high spiritual art in itself. In the meantime, it

is safest to follow one's own religion or one of the Divine Incarnations of the

past, rather than attempt any advanced spiritual practices on one's own without


In order to merit having a true guru, I think we have to have the necessary

qualifications. We have to have developed certain qualities and we must have the

capacity to obey and surrender. I believe we should work on cultivating those

qualities and not worry about the results and let whatever happens happen. Who

knows, maybe we have already developed humility and don't even know that we

posses the necessary qualities because we do not even think about whether we

have made any progress or not.

If we happen to come in contact with a purported master, I believe that if

we are sincere and honest with ourselves, we can rely on our intuition to tell

us. The feeling in the presence of a perfect one should be bliss. It must give

us an uplifting feeling, even if his outer appearance is not all " love and

light. " Sometimes perfect ones may display anger or they may ignore you. But

still you will feel happy in their presence. We must have this intuitive

knowledge enabling us to recognize perfection somewhere within us, because after

all, we are " That. "

If someone should, God forbid, surrender to an imperfect or false master,

then if one is sincere, there will be no harm--in fact, it is the hypocritical

teacher who will suffer.

Sometimes we meet people or encounter teachings that are just a little bit

more advanced than we are. This can be very helpful as we travel along the way,

though it is not the ultimate guide.

If we have the necessary divine desperateness, we will attract the grace of

a true guru. So cultivate more and more longing and become desperate, like the

fish out of water who longs for air. That is the advice that I have taken to










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