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The Spiritual Teacher [Guru]


The word 'guru' has become a part of many languages of the world apart

from languages of India. But there are many misconceptions and

prejudices about this term both in the East and the west. It would be

worthwhile to dwell in some detail about the term and the concept of

Guru. We are talking about the Teacher related to spirituality and not

of physical science, art or literature. In those fields also we get

wonderful instructors with in-depth knowledge in their subjects, but

they barter their expertise with their students for name, fame or money.

Therefore, such teachers do not qualify to be labeled as Guru for our



Second point of interest is to understand the need of a qualified Guru

for a spiritual aspirant if he or she wants to progress on the royal

path of God Realization. It is not possible for ordinary aspirant to

comprehend and grasp the essence of scriptures or religious philosophy

(e.g. Vedanta, Yoga) by merely reading the books or listening to talks.

Books and scripture do qualify in a minor way to become Guru, but this

mode of transfer of knowledge falls short of expectations. It might, in

fact mislead and distract the aspirant from the true path of spiritual



Of course anyone can proclaim himself or herself as Guru. Such fake

'Babas' mushroom in many parts of India and abroad. Such persons have

selfish motives as earning money etc., and unfortunately many gullible

persons fall victims to their designs. In fact, the word guru is falling

to disrepute because of such self-proclaimed incompetent persons.


Qualifications of a true Guru


Therefore, it becomes imperative on our part to understand and consider

basic qualifications of a spiritual teacher. Mundaka and Brihadaranyaka

Upanishads have eulogized the following four qualifications of a true



1) The Guru should be shrotriya, i.e. well versed in scriptures. If he

is to teach religion, he must have a proper grasp of the subject as

expounded in genuine ancient texts and books. This does not mean mere

book knowledge, but the Guru must have imbibed the Truths of the

scriptures in his daily life. His actions, speech, and thoughts must

express these truths in his day-to-day behaviour. Without uttering a

single word he should convey the spirituals truths all around him. The

Guru must be able to handle all the types of minds, which may come to

him, which is why he has to keep up the scriptural tradition and

continue his study and sadhana throughout the life.


Moreover, the Guru should not be cut off from the traditions of the

land. For instance, a Vedanta Teacher should be able to highlight

Christian or Jewish aspirations in his western disciples by properly

relating the Hindu scriptural truths to their faith. This does not mean

that the Guru has to lower or modify his ideal, but simply that he has

to emphasis the universal truth without hurting religious feelings of

various aspirants.


2) The second qualification of the Guru is equally important, and that

is: The Guru must be Brahma-Jnani. He must be a realized soul, which

means he must have knowledge of God. If he is ignorant, how can he guide

the aspirants beyond ignorance! A blind man cannot lead another blind to

the goal; chances are that both would fall in a ditch. This separates

the spiritual Guru from teachers of secular sciences where instructor

has no particular need of virtue or good character. The subject taught

here is pure, blissful God and hence the Guru must be pure and



Anyone and everyone can't be a Guru. A huge load of solid timber floats

on the water and can carry men and animals across the bank, even in

rising waters. But a piece of worthless ordinary wood sinks as soon as

one steps on it and drowns the person. Therefore, in every age God

incarnates Himself as the Guru, to teach humanity. Satchidananda alone

is the Guru.


3) The third qualification of the Guru is that he should be 'akamahata',

not smitten by desires selfishness. His character must be spotless and

clean. He should have such virtues as compassion, love, generosity, and

altruism. He sees divinity all around and also is capable of

understanding its variable manifestation in his various disciples.

Therefore, he does not hate or look down upon any sadhaka for he knows

that in many aspirants divinity is covered with dirt of ignorance. In

every case he guides the disciples to the same goal of Self Realization.


A Guru looks into the nature of the people before making them his

disciples. All men look alike but have different natures. Some have an

excess of sattva, others excess of rajas, and still others an excess of

tamas. Accordingly, Guru gives differing instructions for spiritual

aspirants. Therefore, faith in Guru's words and instructions is the most

vital part in the progress on the spiritual path; howsoever odd or

contradictory his instructions may appear!


4) The fourth qualification is linked with the third. The Guru should be

avrijina, stainless pure. He should be simple and guileless. He should

have totally conquered greed and lust. We see this in the holy lives of

Sri Ramakrishna, who was unable to tie the knot to his clothes, and

secondly, his hand used to get twisted on coming in contact with coin

lest it should be taken as a sign of accumulation and greed!


The Guru should be truthful. Under no condition should he deviate from

righteous path. This purity comes through constant discrimination

between real and unreal and giving up the unreal. Thus, the Guru should

be well established in the highest Truth that God alone is Real rest all

is transitory. Therefore, the Guru renounces all worldly pleasures and

carvings of the sense. Privilege and prestige, name and fame should not

affect the character of the Guru in the least. He should be easily

accessible and approachable to his all the minor and major disciples.


Without Guru one can also proceed on the royal path of self-realization.

But then the journey would be full of obstacles and pitfalls. It would

take long time to reach the destination. This sadhana is like trying to

cross the ocean in a small boat. Guru is like a huge steamer to which

one ties one's boat and relaxes. That huge steamer is sure to take the

disciple to other shore. The dangers are minimized and the delay cut



If we are fortunate enough to find such a Teacher, then a lofty kind of

love can begin to bosom in our heart. Everything that happens between

The Guru and the disciple happens through love and compassion. It is

said in Indian religious lore, " If the disciple is ready, the Guru will

appear, he will come to us. " Intense yearning and effort to realize God

is sure to help the aspirant find his or her Guru. Let us prepare

ourselves to receive such a noble soul.



C S Shah


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