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[Sri Ramakrishna] Digest Number 1078

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On suffering ...i have a quick question:

As one starts distancing himself from pleasure and

pain...doese'nt it feel like the juice and fireworks

have gone out of life. Life seems more listless...am i

missing something ?




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> As one starts distancing himself from pleasure and

> pain...doese'nt it feel like the juice and fireworks

> have gone out of life. Life seems more listless...am i

> missing something ?


I think that if one recoils from the opposites of life in order to avoid

suffering, the effect is a kind of self-numbing that would cause the juice to go

out of life. But there's another kind of detachment that comes about naturally

in the course of gradually feeling less attracted to the external world and more

drawn to the inner life, and one receives a kind of joy there that is

independent of pleasure and pain.






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Wrt your statement:

>>>>>Life seems more listless<<<<

Dont you think, calm and peaceful would be a better

adjective? One still has to learn to distance oneself





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Dear Roy

Oh yes, you are missing a lot.

In brief when you are above joy and suffering, you are a silent witness. You are

like the person who is watching a movie and enjoying the tragedy and comedy

knowing fully well that it you are in no way affected by it.

But the way we live today is like a person who is watching a movie but gets

hallucinated into believing that he is one of the characters in the movie either

suffering or enjoying or a combination of both. I would rather be enjoying the

movie than getting hallucinated. What about you ?









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>>>>>>>>But there's another kind of detachment that

comes about naturally in the course of gradually

feeling less attracted to the external world and more

drawn to the inner life, and one receives a kind of

joy there that is independent of pleasure and



So true, but quite difficult to achieve, Requires a

lot of effort........that's my experience, as I am

still in the struggling stages.








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> Wrt your statement:

> >>>>>Life seems more listless<<<<


> Dont you think, calm and peaceful would be a better

> adjective?


But the life energy wants to flow somewhere. Sometimes a person under the

influence of spiritual ideals may stop pouring energy into his habitual unwise

actions, but he has not yet found a new, constructive outlet for his energies.

Then he might feel bored, dull, depressed, doubtful, disappointed, or perhaps

agitated. It could be a necessary lull in the stream of life before a new

direction is taken up. Peace comes later, as life re-establishes itself in the

new way of being. Life then begins to flow naturally and spontaneously by

itself, and calm is experienced as he is no longer caught up egotistically in

the drama of events and sits back to enjoy the play--of which, he now

understands, he is the author, actor, and audience all in one.






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>So true, but quite difficult to achieve, Requires a

>lot of effort........that's my experience, as I am

>still in the struggling stages.


Dear GW

somehow me thinks not!...i was myself encouraged by your encouraging words

of support to Mr. Aditi Desai who felt no GOD or gods ever help!

Strange but Vivekananda Himself said the same thing...No GOD or gods ever

help. All help comes from within. The higher the hurdle we jump over the

stronger our legs become and if the hurdle is placed there then SOMEONE will

give us the strength to hurtle over...


if SOMEONE has given us hunger then that SOMEONE also gives us the Food to

extinguish that hunger...


or so the Sages say...but then what about those who do die starving? What

about those who give up life without hope? Somehow that SOMEONE does not

explain everything!


Often i have wondered why i took to 'praying' when i was told to do

so...while i have told countless to pray or do nam-jap, despite the hard

times some go through very few take to the refuge of GOD and japa...i truly

believe that Japa has gotten me through the hardest and the most trying of

times...yet not all are convinced of its efficacy..Only when they try and

commit themselves to doing it everyday does it work...


How to instil that Faith in others who are struggling and suffering..

for prayers is the answer for all suffering

or am i being simplistic??






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> So true, but quite difficult to achieve, Requires a

> lot of effort........that's my experience, as I am

> still in the struggling stages.

> GW


It takes time. It's a gradual process. Don't be so hard on yourself. After all,

who is really doing all the effort? Whenever I feel it is I who am struggling, I

think counterthoughts and remind myself: No, it is He who is getting it done

through me. It is His own journey from Himself to Himself. By rejecting the

false and thinking the true (even if at the moment I don't experience the true),

I gradually gain access to the fund of truth within myself.

Just think--you, out of thousands who care nothing about spirituality--are

on your way. You will get there. The process is in motion. The obstacles and

struggles are a necessary part of it.

Spiritual life has so many paradoxes. One is that we have to have infinite

patience and not expect anything, but at the same time maintain our enthusiasm

for the journey instead of getting depressed. Energy has to be conserved--not

lost through bad company (people who would tear down your faith) and bad habits.

Good company is important. Either that or solitude.

The efforts will have a cumulative effect sooner or later. Let us hope



We are going on retreat for a few days--see you all later!







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