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Bhaja Govindam Part 22

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Bhaja Govindam (part 22) Commentary by Gopi Krishna




Sloka 17 (Attributed to Sureshwaracharya)


Kurute Gangasaagaragamanam

Vrataparipaalanamathavaa Daanam

Gyaanaviheenah Sarvamatena

Bhajati Na Muktim Janmasatena


.... Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam




Kurute - goes to pilgrimage, Ganga saagara gamanam - to where the Ganges

meets the ocean, Vrataparilamanam - observes the vows, Athavaa - or,

Daanam - distributes gifts away, Gyaanaviheenah - devoid of experience of

Truth, Sarvamatena - according to all schools of thought, Muktim - release,

Na - not, Bhajati - gains, Janmasatena - even in hundred lives.




One may go and take bath in the holy Ganges or even at the confluence of

Ganga and ocean, or observes vows and performs many charities, yet devoid of

jnana and unless one has the glimpse of Truth or God, one will not gain

mukti or realise from the birth-and-death cycle even in hundred lives,

according to all schools of thought.




Unless one has not attained Jnana, one cannot get rid of the great delusion.

A person may go in pilgrimage to holy places, bathe in the holy Ganges or

even at the meeting point of Ganga with the ocean or distribute gifts in

charity, but only after realising what is Truth or having a glimpse of God,

that one is relieved from the vicious cycle of birth-death-birth.


The knowledge acquired from book-learning does not mean anything (as I am

doing now), but the same knowledge born out of knowing the Truth will

emancipate one from the hold of birth and death. Once it is achieved, the

mind will become free from all attachments. One may be well read, have good

command over many languages, adept in making discourses, yet if the same

person is a victim of delusion and attachment, then it does not mean that

one has acquired Jnana.


All the above actions are wonderful exercises for developing healthy habits

and attitudes to life and these may help one on to the path of study and

contemplation, but without knowledge of the Infinite Reality, liberation

from sense objects will not be achieved. Generous and positive actions may

give some gainful results, but not liberation from birth even in hundred

years. It is true from any school of thought that one wishes to refer. Even

these positive actions, one has to perform with faith, dedication, devotion

and sincerity.


Pilgrimages, vows, charities, etc., are all exercises to prepare the

seeker's mind for the great path of meditation and through meditation, until

the Highest is actually apprehended, total freedom from the natural human

weaknesses can never be gained, not even in hundred lives.

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