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Gods must be angry!!!

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Gods must be angry!!!


Why do natural calamities occur? Why are these natural calamities

becoming unnatural? Right from the time of Tsunami which swept a part

of the world, we have many disasters to quote – Mumbai marooned in

water, Bangalore submerged in rainwater, earthquake in Pakistan and

Kashmir, hurricane in USA and yesterday's Valigonda train mishap due

to heavy rains. Is it not high time we worry over these disasters?

Don't you feel Kaliyuga is ending menacingly fast?


`Regularity is nature's motto. We too need regularity in our living

habits'. Every year it drizzles (like Poola Vana) on Sri Rama Navami

day and on Deepavali? It is not rain then, it is the blessing showered

on Rama and Sita by all the Devathas.


Why then does God create natural calamity?


He who vomits red lava

through a burning Volcano.

Creates a far withdrawn tranquility

through a redly burning rose.


He who destroys cities

through earth quake in a split second.

Labours through centuries of calm

to create a beautiful eye.


He who sends forth

floods and fire

Toils in a Mother's womb

to mould a baby as soft as a bud.


Creator – Harindranath Chattopadhyaya


The poet wonders here why Gods destroy everything in quiver of an eye,

when he takes ages to create just an eye! He wonders at God's leela

for being both creator and destroyer. Destruction is done to maintain

balance in His creation.


Destruction may be inevitable but should these calamities be at

marathon level and so frequent. Gods must be angry! It is not my

deduction. It is given in Vedas and Bhagavad Geetha.


Astrological study given by Mr. Viswapathi says two eclipses within 15

days, bring about many changes resulting in ecological imbalance. If

we study the religious books we understand man is to be blamed for all



I arrived at this conclusion when I went through the books titled Veda

Samhita by Sri Dasarathi Rangacharya Garu. I am grateful to Sri Y S

Rao Garu for lending us this valuable book at the right time, because

of which I am able to share my feelings with you and to plan some

remedial measures to collectively avert these disasters.


Let me put in a nutshell the quintessence from the great pundits'



In Rig-Veda Samhita he highlighted upon the five elements.


Earth, Water, Agni, Air and the Sky (Ether) are the five elements of

nature. Our ancient rishis and saints prayed to them as Gods. They

realized that the five elements have the feeling like us human beings.

They too have anger and irritation. They too have love and affection.

They exhibit their fury through floods and earthquakes while they

shower their blessings through drizzles on auspicious occasions. They

are touched by good nature. That's why those rishis performed Yagas

and Yagnas to please them.


But today what is our plan of action? Leave alone Yagas and Yagnas, we

are wantonly destroying the five elements. We are going for

deforestation in the name of urbanization and civilization. We are

depleting Ozone layer by polluting the atmosphere. We are causing soil



Etiquette demands gratitude to one who has helped us, to repay a kind

act. In Ramayana, Rama helped Sugriva and the latter in turn promised

to repay. Sugriva got back his kingdom and his wife but he coolly

forgot the help rendered by Rama. Rama sent Lakshmana to remind him of

his word of honour. " He said the bow was still sharp after Vali's

Vadha. " as explained by Sri Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma Garu.


BrahmagnEcha surApEcha chOrE BhagnavratE thathA

NishkrutirvahitE sadbhihi kritagnE nAsthi nishkrithih.


Our Rishis have shown `papa pariharam' for killing a Brahmin, for

drinking wine, for stealing and for losing control over oneself, but

they have not shown any alternative for ungratefulness.


In Sri Mahabharata there is a story with a moral `Even the dogs don't

eat the flesh of an ungrateful man.'


In Bhagvadgeetha too the same idea is explained.


IshtAn BhOgAn hi vO dEvA dAsyanthEya gnabhAvithAh

ThairdatthA na pradAibhyO yO bhujteksthena Yevasah


Sri Vidya Prakasananda Giri Swami Garu explained it thus- Gods, being

pleased by the Yagas/ Pujas, provide whatever gifts/food man wants. If

we don't offer (acknowledge) such gifts/food of God to God and eat all

by ourselves, we are like thieves. Who is a thief? One who enjoys a

thing without paying the price for it! The same way we are enjoying

the things without offering them to god.


It was the practice in the olden days to chant this sloka and offer a

morsel of food to five elements. Even today some are practicing it.


BrahmArpaNam Brahmahavi Brahgnav BrahmaNAhutam

Brahaiva thEna ganthavyam Brahmakarma samaDhinA.

By offering thus - our elders felt that whatever they were blessed

with – they were first offering to God – They usually utter

`Brahmarpanam', `Krishnarpnam', `Ramarpanam'.


We need not necessarily offer food since today our food is not only

rice but also pizza and burger. We can't keep aside a part of it at

the gate! We are treated unmannerly! But we are given an alternative

in the modern days to suit our life!


God has given us many; but he is pleased with the smallest!


Patram pushpam phalam thoyam yEmE bhakthAn prayacchathi

Tadhaham bhaktyupahruta masnAmi prayatAtmanaah


Whoever offers to me wholeheartedly a leaf, a flower; a fruit or

water, I am bound by his single minded devotion to me and I accept

them whole heartedly.


God is the creator of these five elements in Nature. Unfortunately we

human beings are not able to understand God's `Nature' or for that

matter our own Nature. But we boast that we know everything!


It is high time we know something useful to mankind. Let us go back to

the line; the five elements can shower love and affection! Let us go

back to the line God accepts wholeheartedly.



Along with what we offer, let us also prayer for those who lost their

lives in these disasters. We can pray for their souls to rest in

peace. We can pray to the elements through Lord Siva to pacify their

anger. The elements are acting like Ugra Narasimha now! We can chant

slokas on Narasimha to pacify them! Let's hope that these natural

calamities in future don't create such a great havoc!


The timely physical help rendered by the altruistic villagers of

Valigonda for the victims of train accident touched my heart. I was

moved to tears. We cannot go there and help them but we can always, as

Bhakti team, pray for universal brotherhood, universal peace!

Om Santhi Santhi Santhi


Rajya Sri


For Bhakti Team

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