Guest guest Posted November 2, 2005 Report Share Posted November 2, 2005 dear friends namasthe.RAJYA SRI garu has written wonderful piece 'GODS MUST BE ANGRY''s really very good and thought provoking...indeed,man is going far and far from today's highly materialistic world no one has time for another one...we just run,run and run....we sholud try to do atleast some bare minimum things....sometime back i wrotea mail to some of my friends titles 'PANCHA MAHA YAGNAS'...i am sending it below to our group as it might be of intetest to you also... dear friends,one honourable member of our group SRI RAGHOTHAM REDDY GARU took exception to the mentioning of my website address in my introductory e-mail....he wrote am i going to promote my business through your group.....i am extremely sorry to say that he has misunderstood me and my is only to understand my work nature i gave the site address....dear friends,i have never craved for any such publicity...never, fact eventhogh many newssites have asked me for my articles i never wrote for any of them....I HAVE WRITTEN A SUNDAY COLUMN FOR DECCAN CHRONICLE FOR AN YEAR[2003-2004]...IT BECAME VERY POPULAR....I USED TO ANLYSE THE ASTRO-PROFILES OF VARIOUS PERSONALITIES IN THAT COLUMN....IN FACT IT WAS RE-USED BY MANY INTERNATIONAL WEBSITES ACROSS THE WORLD...BUT I NEVER GAVE MY WEBSITE ADDRESS IN THOSE ARTICLES....IN THE WHOLE YEAR I HAVE NOT MENTIONED EVEN ONCE MY WEBSITE ADDRESS.....YOU CAN CHECK THIS WITH ANY OF DECCAN CHRONICLE'S is only because SRI RAGHAV RAO garu has asked me to write to your group that i am writing....IF YOU DO NOT LIKE,FINE....I WILL NOT WRITE ANY LONGER.... dear friends,it is difficult to undestand about person sitting next to you....or someone whom we know well for there is no surprise if someone whom we never met misunderstands is very natural.... PANCHA MAHA YAGNAS: it is clearly written in our vedic texts that everyday every human being should observe what are called ‘pancha maha yagnas’…..they are 1.deva yagna….2.pitru yagna…. 3.bhoota yagna….4.manushya yagna…..5.brahma yagna……kindly note these are not great rituals involved with mantras ….they are very,very simple….i will explain each I detail in most simpler terms…kindly go through them..…and try to observe them daily…it is clearly written in our vedic texts that those who observe these five yagnas everyday lead a very,very happy and prosperous life….their next generations too will be greatly benefitted…as I stated earlier,these are very,very simple…in fact after a couple of months you will be following them even with out your knowledge… So,what does they really mean….first let us take DEVA YAGNA…this is praying your favorite diety…or kula daivam…or all dieties…when you get up in the morning,before you get down from the bed,just close your eyes for a few minutes…5-10 minutes…just pray all the dieties…think of them…ask them to see the day goes off prosperously…you should especially think of the trinity in your mind…kindly note YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RECITE ANY STOTRAS….just think of them…visualise their images….in whateverform you can visualise…dear friend,many of us starightaway jump from our beds in the morning….these are the perils of modern day living…we should never do it…YOU WILL NOT LOOSE ANYTHING IF YOU STAY FOR FEW MINUTES MORE IN THE BED… scintifically also this is important….you are in a stable state all through night…all your limbs are also calm and at rest… do you know that when we sleep,our atma goes into a different world?….so,we should not jump from the bed in a jerk…we sholud give little time for our physical body and atma to come in tune with this world again…just sit on the bed itself….and close your eyes and sit clamly for few minutes…in the end you should then pray BHOODEVI…request,pray her that you are going to step your feet on sacred BHOODEVI…ask her to give permission to put your feet…kindly remember we owe our existence to BHOODEVI..all our food in any form basically comes from bhoodevi..isn’t it?….…ask her to excuse for all the sins we may do on that day unknowingly…and thank her for giving you the opportunity to see another day…then slowly get down from the bed and start your daily routine….if you have time you can do any poojas after bath…or recite any slokas… all this is known as DEVA YAGNA… Second one is PITRU YAGNA….this is very,very important…as you might be aware all our ancestors are called pitru devathalu….the blessings from them are very ,very powerful….and can make you prosperous…but how to get their blessings…that is through pitru yagna….it is said in our sacred texts that pitru yagna is more powerful than deva yagna…then,what is pitru yagna?…let’s see…all of us eat our food daily…breakfast,lunch and dinner….kindly follow this procedure before you start eating…just touch the food and close your eyes for while… can be anything..idli,dosa,pizza,burger…anything…you can even a take a small portion of it and close your eyes…then think of all your elders who are no more in this world…just think of their images…it could be anyone…not necessarily your parents…it could be grand parents,great grand parents,uncles…or even known people…familty friends…anyone who is no more in this world…. Assume or feel that you are offering it to them…it does not take even a minute…but it has lot of power…this action of yours will see that all those you prayed will NOT GO WITHOUT FOOD ON THAT PARTICULAR DAY… dear friend,they may be anywhere,in any form in the next janma…but this action of yours will see that they will not starve that day….you and your generations next will be blessed by them…and instantly….you may not be able to know where they are in their prersent janma…but your action will instnntly go to them…in fact by any chance that day happens to be the actual day[telugu thidhi]….the blessinsg you get in return are simply great….you may do it unknowingly….that particular day colud be perhaps be the annual ceramony day of one of them….we may not know…so,we should try to do this everyday.…in essence,just think of all your ancestors and known people who are no more in this world and close your eyes and think you are offering them food…that’s all…this is pitru yagnam….i have seen practically people benefitting greatley with this..…I will more such incidents sometime later… Next is BHOOTA YAGNA….this means offering food to birds,pets,animals etc….if you have a pet in your house fine…otherwise just place a few grains of rice[uncooked] somewhere in your compound wall ….anywhere that is convenient…some birds may eat…or just drop half spoon of sugar in the courtyard any convenient place…by this action of yours you are feeding some other form living thing…dear friend,there are lots of micro organisms….sometimes,some of our ancestors take birth again in the surroundings of our house itself…in some form…a cat,rat or dog…or perhaps even an ant….they take a form depending on their karma….so by feeding any one of such things you are UNKNOWINGLY FEEDING your ancestors…it is for this reson sometimes we observe some strange cat or dog enters our house or loiters around our house and never goes how much annoyed you are with that…it is only with the attachment they had in the previous janma they do like that…REMEMBER ONE THING….NO PITRU DEVATHA IN WHATEVER FORM THEY ARE WILL’NVER’ DO ANY HARM TO YOU….THEY WILL ALWAYS GIVE BLESSINGS AND SEE YOUR PROSPERITY….IN FACT PROTECT YOU ALWAYS…THEY WILL NEVER DO ANY HARM… Next one is MANUSHYA YAGNA…this is what we call manava seve madhava seva….help others…anyone who is in need…it could be any form of help …food,clothes,money…anything…it could be simply a few words of solace…even this comes under manushya yagna…when someone is depressed with a problem try to console him…spend an hour or two…listen to his problems…there is GOD in everyone of us…when you help your fellow human beings in fact you are pleasing the GOD himself!….the person who took your help blesses you…there is one beautiful point here…sometimes when you do a help that person does not even acknowledge…he may not even say thanks…leave alone prasing you….BUT DO NOT THINK ABOUT IT…JUST IGNORE THAT POINT…note that the atma is pleased…his inner atma is pleased…he may not thank you in words as his atma is covered by a layer of ego and emotions…and perhaps either inferiority or superiority complex…but atma is happy…and remember,atma,the soul is very,very powerful…that atma will bless you…you may not physically experience it…but the blessings from the benefacotors atma will work very well for you to make you prosperous….you may not get an instant return gift…but that atma will bless you and help when you yourself is in need….it helps in someform or thriugh someone…so just go on helping as many as you can…never mind even if they does not say a few words of gratitude…remember his atma is blessing you with out his knowledge!…. Next one and the last is BRAHMA YAGNA…..this is reading books of wisdom…it could be anything…puranas,upanishads,vedic books….it is not necessary to read a book everyday…just read a few pages….if possible just before going to sleep…this will help in feeling serenity…by reading such books,your mind gets detached from emotions….as you are aware emotions are root cause of all the deceases….if you can control your emotions you will lead better quality of life….there is one GREAT SECRET HERE…while you are reading a book related to vedic literature say some chapter or some anectode from upanishads….or some pious book…as you are aware the authors of all our holy scriptures are anicient rishis….the rishi who actually authored what you are reading at that instant will observe you…and he will bless you…if you are reading it with utmost attention.the rishi will bless you with the knowledge relating whole of that particular upanishad…or whatever it is…great men like MAHA KAVI KALIDASA became great scholras this way only…rama krishna paramahamsa wolud not have actually read all vedas ,page by page…but he is blessed by the rishis with the essence of all vedas…. Dear sir,one more important thing is we should NEVER BE EGOESTIC…it brings any biggest man down to ground level…as we all have seen it is just because of EGO many,many highly knowledgeble and eminent people had great fall on their final phase of life…just because of ego…we may win a noble prize…but we should never be EGOESTIC… Daer friends,coming to pancha mah yagnas ,I can understand all our limitations…in today’s highly fact,jet speed,mechanical and higly materialistic world it is certainly difficult to observe all of them with your job and other wordly responsibilities…but you can ceratainly make a beginning…try to observe these yagnas to whatever extent you can…and get blessings of your ancestors,all GODS and all anicient rishis…. With best wishes viswapathi FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 4, 2005 Report Share Posted November 4, 2005 Hello Viswapathi garu, Sorry if I have hurt your feelings. I have no intention to hurt any one. I thought Bhakti pages are purely for spreading Bhakti (Love) instead of advertising your domain of experience. In your earlier emails you mentioned about using your skill for THAMMUDU and JENNIFER LOPER etc., If a movie like THAMMUDU has become hit its because of the content of the movie not because of your design. If you have given your design to the movie JOHNNY I don't think it would have become a hit. In this email you mentioned that people should not be egoistic. Thats a great virtue. Dear sir,one more important thing is we should NEVER BE EGOESTIC…it brings any biggest man down to ground level…as we all have seen it is just because of EGO many,many highly knowledgeble and eminent people had great fall on their final phase of life…just because of ego…we may win a noble prize…but we should never be EGOESTIC… I have been reading emails from Telugu Bhakti pages for a long time, not many have mentioned about their background but you have mentioned about your background that you are so and so. Is that all not from the EGO sir? The less you tell about yourself the more mysterious you are. (of course you have to tell about yourself in interviews to get a job or to gain success in a business). GOD is the ultimate mystery. Regards Raghutvrk murthy <tvrkmurthy wrote: dear friends namasthe.RAJYA SRI garu has written wonderful piece 'GODS MUST BE ANGRY''s really very good and thought provoking...indeed,man is going far and far from today's highly materialistic world no one has time for another one...we just run,run and run....we sholud try to do atleast some bare minimum things....sometime back i wrotea mail to some of my friends titles 'PANCHA MAHA YAGNAS'...i am sending it below to our group as it might be of intetest to you also... dear friends,one honourable member of our group SRI RAGHOTHAM REDDY GARU took exception to the mentioning of my website address in my introductory e-mail....he wrote am i going to promote my business through your group.....i am extremely sorry to say that he has misunderstood me and my is only to understand my work nature i gave the site address....dear friends,i have never craved for any such publicity...never, fact eventhogh many newssites have asked me for my articles i never wrote for any of them....I HAVE WRITTEN A SUNDAY COLUMN FOR DECCAN CHRONICLE FOR AN YEAR[2003-2004]...IT BECAME VERY POPULAR....I USED TO ANLYSE THE ASTRO-PROFILES OF VARIOUS PERSONALITIES IN THAT COLUMN....IN FACT IT WAS RE-USED BY MANY INTERNATIONAL WEBSITES ACROSS THE WORLD...BUT I NEVER GAVE MY WEBSITE ADDRESS IN THOSE ARTICLES....IN THE WHOLE YEAR I HAVE NOT MENTIONED EVEN ONCE MY WEBSITE ADDRESS.....YOU CAN CHECK THIS WITH ANY OF DECCAN CHRONICLE'S is only because SRI RAGHAV RAO garu has asked me to write to your group that i am writing....IF YOU DO NOT LIKE,FINE....I WILL NOT WRITE ANY LONGER.... dear friends,it is difficult to undestand about person sitting next to you....or someone whom we know well for there is no surprise if someone whom we never met misunderstands is very natural.... PANCHA MAHA YAGNAS: it is clearly written in our vedic texts that everyday every human being should observe what are called ‘pancha maha yagnas’…..they are 1.deva yagna….2.pitru yagna…. 3.bhoota yagna….4.manushya yagna…..5.brahma yagna……kindly note these are not great rituals involved with mantras ….they are very,very simple….i will explain each I detail in most simpler terms…kindly go through them..…and try to observe them daily…it is clearly written in our vedic texts that those who observe these five yagnas everyday lead a very,very happy and prosperous life….their next generations too will be greatly benefitted…as I stated earlier,these are very,very simple…in fact after a couple of months you will be following them even with out your knowledge… So,what does they really mean….first let us take DEVA YAGNA…this is praying your favorite diety…or kula daivam…or all dieties…when you get up in the morning,before you get down from the bed,just close your eyes for a few minutes…5-10 minutes…just pray all the dieties…think of them…ask them to see the day goes off prosperously…you should especially think of the trinity in your mind…kindly note YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RECITE ANY STOTRAS….just think of them…visualise their images….in whateverform you can visualise…dear friend,many of us starightaway jump from our beds in the morning….these are the perils of modern day living…we should never do it…YOU WILL NOT LOOSE ANYTHING IF YOU STAY FOR FEW MINUTES MORE IN THE BED… scintifically also this is important….you are in a stable state all through night…all your limbs are also calm and at rest… do you know that when we sleep,our atma goes into a different world?….so,we should not jump from the bed in a jerk…we sholud give little time for our physical body and atma to come in tune with this world again…just sit on the bed itself….and close your eyes and sit clamly for few minutes…in the end you should then pray BHOODEVI…request,pray her that you are going to step your feet on sacred BHOODEVI…ask her to give permission to put your feet…kindly remember we owe our existence to BHOODEVI..all our food in any form basically comes from bhoodevi..isn’t it?….…ask her to excuse for all the sins we may do on that day unknowingly…and thank her for giving you the opportunity to see another day…then slowly get down from the bed and start your daily routine….if you have time you can do any poojas after bath…or recite any slokas… all this is known as DEVA YAGNA… Second one is PITRU YAGNA….this is very,very important…as you might be aware all our ancestors are called pitru devathalu….the blessings from them are very ,very powerful….and can make you prosperous…but how to get their blessings…that is through pitru yagna….it is said in our sacred texts that pitru yagna is more powerful than deva yagna…then,what is pitru yagna?…let’s see…all of us eat our food daily…breakfast,lunch and dinner….kindly follow this procedure before you start eating…just touch the food and close your eyes for while… can be anything..idli,dosa,pizza,burger…anything…you can even a take a small portion of it and close your eyes…then think of all your elders who are no more in this world…just think of their images…it could be anyone…not necessarily your parents…it could be grand parents,great grand parents,uncles…or even known people…familty friends…anyone who is no more in this world…. Assume or feel that you are offering it to them…it does not take even a minute…but it has lot of power…this action of yours will see that all those you prayed will NOT GO WITHOUT FOOD ON THAT PARTICULAR DAY… dear friend,they may be anywhere,in any form in the next janma…but this action of yours will see that they will not starve that day….you and your generations next will be blessed by them…and instantly….you may not be able to know where they are in their prersent janma…but your action will instnntly go to them…in fact by any chance that day happens to be the actual day[telugu thidhi]….the blessinsg you get in return are simply great….you may do it unknowingly….that particular day colud be perhaps be the annual ceramony day of one of them….we may not know…so,we should try to do this everyday.…in essence,just think of all your ancestors and known people who are no more in this world and close your eyes and think you are offering them food…that’s all…this is pitru yagnam….i have seen practically people benefitting greatley with this..…I will more such incidents sometime later… Next is BHOOTA YAGNA….this means offering food to birds,pets,animals etc….if you have a pet in your house fine…otherwise just place a few grains of rice[uncooked] somewhere in your compound wall ….anywhere that is convenient…some birds may eat…or just drop half spoon of sugar in the courtyard any convenient place…by this action of yours you are feeding some other form living thing…dear friend,there are lots of micro organisms….sometimes,some of our ancestors take birth again in the surroundings of our house itself…in some form…a cat,rat or dog…or perhaps even an ant….they take a form depending on their karma….so by feeding any one of such things you are UNKNOWINGLY FEEDING your ancestors…it is for this reson sometimes we observe some strange cat or dog enters our house or loiters around our house and never goes how much annoyed you are with that…it is only with the attachment they had in the previous janma they do like that…REMEMBER ONE THING….NO PITRU DEVATHA IN WHATEVER FORM THEY ARE WILL’NVER’ DO ANY HARM TO YOU….THEY WILL ALWAYS GIVE BLESSINGS AND SEE YOUR PROSPERITY….IN FACT PROTECT YOU ALWAYS…THEY WILL NEVER DO ANY HARM… Next one is MANUSHYA YAGNA…this is what we call manava seve madhava seva….help others…anyone who is in need…it could be any form of help …food,clothes,money…anything…it could be simply a few words of solace…even this comes under manushya yagna…when someone is depressed with a problem try to console him…spend an hour or two…listen to his problems…there is GOD in everyone of us…when you help your fellow human beings in fact you are pleasing the GOD himself!….the person who took your help blesses you…there is one beautiful point here…sometimes when you do a help that person does not even acknowledge…he may not even say thanks…leave alone prasing you….BUT DO NOT THINK ABOUT IT…JUST IGNORE THAT POINT…note that the atma is pleased…his inner atma is pleased…he may not thank you in words as his atma is covered by a layer of ego and emotions…and perhaps either inferiority or superiority complex…but atma is happy…and remember,atma,the soul is very,very powerful…that atma will bless you…you may not physically experience it…but the blessings from the benefacotors atma will work very well for you to make you prosperous….you may not get an instant return gift…but that atma will bless you and help when you yourself is in need….it helps in someform or thriugh someone…so just go on helping as many as you can…never mind even if they does not say a few words of gratitude…remember his atma is blessing you with out his knowledge!…. Next one and the last is BRAHMA YAGNA…..this is reading books of wisdom…it could be anything…puranas,upanishads,vedic books….it is not necessary to read a book everyday…just read a few pages….if possible just before going to sleep…this will help in feeling serenity…by reading such books,your mind gets detached from emotions….as you are aware emotions are root cause of all the deceases….if you can control your emotions you will lead better quality of life….there is one GREAT SECRET HERE…while you are reading a book related to vedic literature say some chapter or some anectode from upanishads….or some pious book…as you are aware the authors of all our holy scriptures are anicient rishis….the rishi who actually authored what you are reading at that instant will observe you…and he will bless you…if you are reading it with utmost attention.the rishi will bless you with the knowledge relating whole of that particular upanishad…or whatever it is…great men like MAHA KAVI KALIDASA became great scholras this way only…rama krishna paramahamsa wolud not have actually read all vedas ,page by page…but he is blessed by the rishis with the essence of all vedas…. Dear sir,one more important thing is we should NEVER BE EGOESTIC…it brings any biggest man down to ground level…as we all have seen it is just because of EGO many,many highly knowledgeble and eminent people had great fall on their final phase of life…just because of ego…we may win a noble prize…but we should never be EGOESTIC… Daer friends,coming to pancha mah yagnas ,I can understand all our limitations…in today’s highly fact,jet speed,mechanical and higly materialistic world it is certainly difficult to observe all of them with your job and other wordly responsibilities…but you can ceratainly make a beginning…try to observe these yagnas to whatever extent you can…and get blessings of your ancestors,all GODS and all anicient rishis…. With best wishes viswapathi FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 25, 2005 Report Share Posted November 25, 2005 What ever it is Telugu bhakthi pages are THE GREAT and they are doing a great work DO you people know we live in a county in UK where telugu peopple are very less in number and because of telugu pages we could perform satyanaraya vratam here never ever say ne one a single word if you can encourage man Regards sampath Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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