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: Pooja Moolam Guro Padam

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Suryakshetra 120

What this little man speaks……………………………


I have seen once again in some of the forums, a high degree of

curiosity amongst the younger generation people to know what GURU is

and the importance thereof. Therefore, I am once again pulled to

the subject, though it is a repetition.


Parents give birth to a child, not knowing to whom they are giving

birth; the gender; the nature of the new child and the attitude. In

simple words, an action between PRAKRUTI AND PURUSHA is a resultant

PARINAAMA where a child is born. Thus the new child born is a just

physical form of life. The child is like a raw material. It may be

sometimes a fact where the parents turn out as a Guru for the

children to make the new born realize the value of life and acquire

knowledge of things. At this point of time, I may have to write

about GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. A new born grows since he is born and

it relates to the physical structure ONLY, in other words, GROWTH IS

related to PHYSICAL FORM. It is a BODY subject. This part is, of

course, the most important aspect of the parent – child relation.

The second one is related to MIND i.e. the DEVELOPMENTAL SIDE. The

role of Guru Starts at this point. This is the vital area of any

ones life where a personality is shaped and molded to the fine

tune. This is the area where a child grows to realize the need of

life; the purpose; and the manner in which he had to progress. This

area includes the education part; the bread earning activity; status

growth; social relations; spiritual development; self realization

and IN SHORT ALL THAT IS NEEDED. This is a major area of any ones

life and proper mind tuning is needed at this stage for a purposeful



This role is played by a person named as GURU – THE MASTER.

Sometimes, I have seen people, prefer their GURU to wear a kind of

rich clothing and with a bright face as that of, in a movie and so

on and they do not accept if the Guru is otherwise. I am repeatedly

insisting that we can not dictate how our Guru should be; HE remains

at his free will. Guru is one, where we can not dare make a fun –

in other words, we can not make fun of our lives, for the simple

reason – GURU AND OUR LIFE are inter related. I have seen in some

movies of recent times making fun of the Teacher by using very cheap

methods. Where are we leading our next generations if we inject

these types of cheap methods and make fun of a teacher – who is

supposed to shape the future of our children?


We must be at the good looks of the Guru to learn and gain

knowledge. He remains an eye opener. And many a times, the

spiritual Gurus test the degree of patience of the disciple and the


ITS WEAKEST LINK – is the one which my Guru followed and there were

countless number of days where I was put to all kinds of testing for

determining the strength whether I remain capable to hold Mahaa

Vidyaas – the sacred treasure of the knowledge. That is the reason,

why we have to see LORD BRAHMA, LORD VISHNU AND LORD SHIVA in Guru.

Na Guroradhikam- there is nothing above Guru.


On most occasions, I found myself difficult to take a decision;

could not share my intentions for several reasons with the co born;

with my wife; with my children; with my friends. It is quite but

natural for all of us to face such situations in day to day life

also, we need a person who could take us to his heart and give us

impartial judgment in the best interest of our life. We have our

delicacies, since, on certain occasions, we can not open our heart

with a fear that it would lead to social insult etc when once our

heart is leaked out. And therefore, we do not prefer to open our

hearts and absolutely remain isolated in the battle of life. These

circumstances would lead us to a state of confusion and we remain as

orphans in spite of ourselves being in socially high position. We

need a Philosopher and a Guide who would be able to asses us and

guide us spiritually or materially, absolutely at free will and an

impartial personality. We do not have to worry about " where to get

such a person? " they are available amidst us and a proper perception

and realization would definitely provide us a shelter of GURU – THE

SUPREME. Only through him, our life becomes successful and we will

be able to see the DIVINE LIGHTS in the shortest span of time; in

the easiest way; in a most convenient atmosphere.


The absence of GURU would lead us to utter confusion and a state of

loneliness. Let us respect GURU and realize the need of his

presence, before it is too late for us in this life. Remember, the

time is short and the sun set is ahead of us.


I feel it is my duty to pass on a small information requesting all

not to treat the Peethadhipathis or Jagadgurus so close since they

always remain preoccupied and may or may not allot time to us to

intimately discuss our problems. It is always better to remain at

the Lotus Feet of a Guru who is easily approachable. Please refer

to the back cover page of our Panchang for the Pardhiv Naam Samvat

where two just sentences were mentioned about Guru. I am repeating

the same where each of us should religiously follow the order if we

dedicate ourselves for a better life and thereafter.



God other than Guru, nothing to worship other than the Lotus Feet of

Guru, no better mantra other than just simple words of Guru, nothing

can elevate us other than Guru Blessings. And that is the power of


Wish you all a very happy Raksha Bandhan day – SRAVAN POORNIMA

I shall be back again soon…………………

09.08.06 Adhyatmitka Ratna, Sri

Yaaga Vidya Praveena, Vedanta Visarada

Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji

www.ashwamedhayaagam.org E Mails: shodasisai,

shodasisai, shodasisai

3724, Spencer's Street, # 221, Torrance, 90503 California, USA

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