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Sri Ramakrishna -- There are pearls in the deep sea,

but one must hazard all to find them. If diving once

does not bring you pearls, you need not therefore

conclude that the sea is without them. Dive again and

again. You are sure to be rewarded in the end. So is

it with the finding of the Lord in this world. If your

first attempt proves fruitless, do not lose heart.

Persevere in your efforts. You are sure to realize Him

at last.



Holy Mother -- Continue to pray without losing heart.

Everything will happen in time.



Swami Vivekananda -- To succeed, you must have

tremendous perseverance, tremendous will. " I will

drink the ocean, " says the persevering soul, " at my

will mountains will crumble up. " Have that sort of

energy, that sort of will, work hard, and you will

reach the goal.



Buddha -- Search with sincerity and persevere in your

search. In the end you will find the Truth.



Guru Nanak -- Dwell on Him day after day, That thou

mergest imperceptibly in His Name.



Jesus Christ -- And he told them a parable, to the

effect that they ought always to pray and not lose

heart. He said, " In a certain city there was a judge

who neither feared God nor regarded man; and there was

a widow in that city who kept coming to him and

saying, 'Vindicate me against my adversary.' For a

while he refused; but afterward he said to himself,

'Though I neither fear God nor regard man, yet because

the widow bothers me, I will vindicate her, or she

will wear me out by her continual coming'. "



Judaism -- Blessed is the man who walks not in the

counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of

sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his

delight is the law of the Lord, and on his law he

meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by

streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season,

and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he




Krishna -- I am easy of access to that ever steadfast

yogi who, O Partha, constantly meditates on Me and

gives no thought to anything else.



Mohammed -- Seek knowledge from the cradle to the




Rama -- Keeping company with My devotees, always

serving Me and My Bhaktas, fasting on Ekadasi,

celebrating the festivals connected with Me, hearing,

reading and expounding My glories, worshipping Me with

continuous devotion, and singing of My excellences: If

one follows these precepts daily, one gets pure




Sankara -- The Atman that is Absolute Existence and

Knowledge, can not be realized without constant

practice. So one seeking Knowledge should meditate

upon Brahman for the attainment of the desired goal.



Vedas -- This Atman, resplendent and pure, whom the

sinless sannyasins behold residing within the body, is

attained by unceasing practice of truthfulness,

austerity, right knowledge, and continence.



Zoroaster -- Exert ceaselessly for the Glory of Ahura

Mazda and for the good of the Universe.



P. Gopi Krishna





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