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Composition of Human Being: Manas - Buddhi - Atma

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Manas - Buddhi - Atma:


Positive way:

1) Following Manas -- Makes you to do action (Karma) throughout.

2) Following Buddhi (Intellect) -- Corrects your action (Karma)

throughout. Buddhi is the by product of Past Karma. It leads to Sathwa

Gunam, and Nivvrutha Marga (unbinding actions leads to Diving actions)

3) Action/enquiry towards Atma (Partially Who am I) -- Searches for

Guru; sacred texts, obeying Avatars, etc.


Negative way:

1) Following Manas -- Makes you to do sins (negative Karma) throughout

- Pravrutha Marga (Punarapi Jananam & Punarapi Maranam - Entangled

into birth and death ceaselessly)

2) Following Buddhi (Intellect) -- Unmindful, unintellectual towards

silent voice buddhi develops Ego in every action. It leads to Rajo

Gunam, which makes one to get entangled in Krodham (anger), Moham

(attachment) and drowns into Kamam (Desire without reasoning).


In every step of action while talking and doing karma the silent

intellect is to be observed. If it is selfish control through love

towards God, Society, Guru or Sadhana. Then the Karmic Buddhi is also

controlled through Love.


Vysa after writing 4 Vedas, 18 Puranaas, and MahaBharatam, He declared

'Paropakaraya Punyaaya - Papaaya Parapidanam' which is nothing but

'Love All - Serve All; Help Ever - Hurt Never'. This is the way to God.


Serving all through Love is definitely Nivvrutha Marga which is

unbinding self-less action and is nothing but Diving action. Only God

does such action. Also God's Love-intoxicated people does such actions

and that may be nothing but you?


P. Vijaya Sarathi


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