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Yuga Dharma and Manava Dharma

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Yuga Dharma


The visible creation to human eye and the invisible creation are

nothing but the projection of three attributes Brahma, Vishnu and

Maheshwara which are nothing but Srushti (creation), Sthithi (sustainance) and

Layam (merger). Hindu mythological dimensions

classified the time frame on earth into four parts viz., Sathya

(krutha) yuga (period), Thretha yuga, Dwapara yuga and Kali yuga.


Broadly in Sathya yuga, the name itself represents life full of truth

i.e., the activities were fully based on worshipping Jagat Pita

(Eswara). Lord Eswara is called Sathya Natha. Tapas (Penance) was the

way of life. In Thretha Yuga, Yagna and Yaga i.e., sacrificial

activities were the way of life. Yagna is done for the welfare of the

world invoking the boon and blessings from the cosmic beings to fulfill a

specific purpose. If the same is done for the individual or

for the family it is called Yaga. Many renowned kings in Puranas

observed this type of activity. In Dwapara Yuga worship of the Lord

was the way of life. Gopikas adored Lord Krishna with selfless love.

In Kali Yuga namasmarana (repeating the Lord's name) gives the

salvation. Although it looks simple, repeating Lord's name with full

faith and love in this busy world with diversity is definitely a great



Manava Dharma


It was well known that Manava Dharma takes its lead on four types of

providence viz., Mano-Buddhi-Chittham-Ahamkaram =

Mind-Intellect-Purity of Heart-Ego. During Sathya Yuga, there were no

incarnations of Vishnu who is nothing but the ruler and sustainer. The role of

ruler will appear only when there was an imbalance in the

activities of human beings. Man had control over Mano-Buddhi-

Chittham-Ahamkaram. In Thretha Yuga, Buddhi was dull. Manava Dharma was on top

of Mano-Chittham-Ahamkaram. The clear example was Ravana. In Dwapara Yuga,

Buddhi and Ahamkaram were dull. Manava Dharma was on top of Mano-Ahamkaram. The

clear examples were the mind and activities of Kauravas. In Kali Yuga, Mano,

Buddhi and Ahamkaram

were over Manava Dharma and hence the Chittam, the purity of heart is

always on the lower rung. In other words Kali means Kama lalasam

(activities of body), the presence of Avatar makes it Karma lalasam

(Dharmic activity oriented). Blessed are those who are in the

proximity of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.


Summing up the nature of living in the earlier yugas and based on the

great epics of Ramayana & Mahabharatha it is revealed that the people

of Sathya Yuga were of Pasuthvam (Nandi before Siva), Thretha Yuga of

Daanavathavam (Demonic nature of Ravana type), Manavathvam of Dwapara

Yuga (evil multitude of Kauravas) and Lalasathvatham of Kali Yuga

(Karma oriented nature). Fortunate are the ones who indulge in Sath

Karma during the Kali age. Sath Karma includes the Namasmarana.


Parithranaya Sadhunaam vinaasayacha dushkruthaam

Dharma Samsthaapa naardhaaya Smbhavami Yuge Yuge

(Bhagawad gita Ch.4. Sloka.8)


Karmanyeva Adhikarasya maa phaleshu kadaachana, Lord Krisha declared.


Lord Krishna declared whenever there is a down fall of Dhrama

(Righteous action) I will incarnate. Avatars of Vishnu alone can

establish Dharma on the earth who is nothing Jagannadha, Jagat

Paripalaka (ruler). Dharma alone will lead us to attain Sathya which

is nothing but the ultimate Atma Jnana, the Supreme Wisdom.


Lord Vishu being the ruler and sustainer of the creation incarnates on

the earth and establishes Dharma.


P. Vijaya Sarathi


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