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Rama's Mission - Short explanation

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Rama's Mission - Short explanation with inner meaning:


One of the incarnations of Vishnu is Sri Rama in Thretha Yuga. Broadly Sri

Rama's mission the main accompanies like Lakshmana (Thyaga swarupa), Hanuman

(Bhaktha swarupa), Sugreeva (Sneha bhavam),

Vibheeshana (Saranagathi bhavam) for attaining back Sita (Sathya

rupini " Sareera Thathvam) from the clutches of Ravana (Dasendriya

tatvam in evil form). His mission truly signifies any individual

Saadhak (spiritual aspirant) for attaining True wisdom.


˜Ramo Vigrahavaan Dharamaha' Rama is the embodiment of Dharma. He

has established Dharma which is valid at all the three times. At every stage

Rama proved/practiced how to be Dharmic. His obedience to

parents; life with His consort Sita; brotherly relationship with

Lakshmana-Bharatha-Sathrugna; friendship with Sugreeva and



valour with enemies; obeisance with deities; ruling the kingdom in

eyes of people, etc.


Rama is Atma swarupa (Atma Bhuddhi). How one has to lead the spiritual life

towards atmic way is shown by Rama. It is also exemplary to note that, Great

Devotee Hanuman did Rama's work as worship all the time.


He showed ˜devotee means servant™, and how best a servant can serve his Lord and

what power one can get. For Hanuman Rama's name is his food, obeying Rama's

command is the worship, and to lead such a life he practiced celibacy throughout

his life. Life of Hanuman teaches all the devotees how to lead their life in

serving their Lord.


Rama™s mission clearly shows how a spiritual aspirant should lead

life, how a devotee should serve, how a brother should behave, how a

wife should obey her husband, how the people should adore/respect

their king, etc.


P. Vijaya Sarathi


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