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Re:Swami's Reply regarding Paapa and Punyam

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Dear Sir,


If you go strictly by Rigveda precept, You are ruled by two forces

even as the external world is. There is this Daivic forces which at

all times help you to proceed towards the only goal in life-

Realisation of The Eternal. On the other hand there is this Asuric

forces sll the while apporiating the energies you generate and are

offering whether you know it or not. Those actions are punya which

enable the Devatas in their Yagna. Those actions are Papa that help

Aasuras in their nefarious activities.


Choudur Satyanarayana Moorthy

> Dear Madan,


Sai Ram. For students of Advaita, the saying is clear: Brahma

Satyam, Jagat Midhya. Brahma, the Creator (also called Para Brahma

to differentiate from the Brahma who has a limited life span) is

the truth, the world is an illusion. And mind is but a collection of

memories from this birth and previous births. Mind is also the

product of ego and ego comes from the false feeling of separation

and drawing limits.


For example, some body thinks he is so and so, he is a man, he is

the son of so and so, brother of so and so, husband of so and so,

father of so and so and bitter enemy of so and so and so on. All

these attributes are temporary and in the previous birth he was

something else, probably a she! And in the next birth, he may be

something else again, may be an insect! So, what is temporary

cannot be true or reality. What is permanent is only the soul,

which is not different from ParaBrahma, who is without attributes or

Who has all the attributes.


The analogy of the elephant and the 4 blind men is appropriate

here. Since they could not see the whole elephant, they touched

different parts of the elephant and came up with their own limited

perceptions of what an elephant is. Each of that description is only

partially true and unless some one is able to integrate the parts

into a proper unified whole, the description remains incomplete and

in some cases, meaningless. True Yoga is the integration of the jig

saw puzzle piece, the union of the Jivatma with Paramatma, the

falling of the water drop into the ocean. The dissolution of the

boundaries,limits, attributes etc. Sai Ram.


> Without the third eye of Jnana (called Vidya, called Atma Jnana,

> called Brahma Jnana), one cannot understand and appreciate the

> origin of the universe, the nature of the universe and so on.


Since the created universe is classified as an illusion (like a

child's play with dolls), the individual ego, and its creation,

mind limited perceptions) is also an illusion. And Punya, Paapa are

just conepts of mind, albeit very important concepts of mind for

proper functioning of society.


An analogy will give you an example. You are dreaming and in the

dream, you go through so many experiences. When you wake up, you

realise that the whole thing was a dream. do you attach too much

importance to the events of the dream? Similarly, you watch a drama

or a movie or a TV play where lot of things happen. Momentarily you

get absorbed and laugh, cry, feel angry, feel wounded and thus go

through the entire gamut of emotions that the director is trying to

present. At the end of the show, you are all praise to the

director, the actors and all other supporting people who made it a


Do you go on brooding over the evil events shown there?


OK. One last question. You are the actor in the drama, the movie,

the TV serial. Before going on to the stage or in front of the

camera, you are all dressed up into that particular role but you

are very clear that you are not Rama, Krishna, Ravana or whatever

character that you are playing, hero, villain, vamp. Once the

director says " Action! " you get into the role and go through your

lines, which may involve preaching, abusing, or any thing else.

Your actions may be noble or most horrible. The better actor you are,

the more realistic it looks. And when the director shouts " Cut " , what

happens? You become your normal self. The actor has gone! The

actions have gone! And when the drama is presented before the

audience, the audience goes along, shouts, screams, laughs, abuses

the evil character and so on. Once curtain falls, the audience

claps and goes home. Sai Ram.


Similarly the drama of the universe is being played and we all are

players under the direction of the director (Jagannataka

Sutradhari). As long as we are dreaming, as long as we are acting,

we think it is all real. When we wake up, when the curtain falls,

we realise that it was just a play.


The concepts of Advaita are not understood easily and it requires

God's grace, to come into contact with a Sadguru and then the

Guru's grace will make us realise that we are not what we are

thinking we are (clouded vision becomes clear). Sai Sadguru (and all

other forms of the same Sadguru, who is One) will help us cross this

ocean of samsara and reach our destination safely, and that is

realisation of our true nature.


> Please listen to or read the Nirvana Shatkam of Sri Adi Sankara. It

> starts Mano Buddhyahamkaara chittani naaham


> and declares " aham " (I) to be


> Chidaananda roopa sivoham sivoham.


> How to get out of the illusions? Sri Bhaja Govinda Stotram has the

> answer:


> Satsangatve nissangatvam, nissangatve nirmohatvam, nirmohatve

> nischala tatvam, nischala tatve jeevan muktih, Bhaja Govindam...


> Sai Ram.


> Swamy



> Madan Vemula <madanvemula wrote:

> Dear Sir,


> Could you please elaborate on this " Paapa and Punya is an illusion

> of mind " .and also it would be nice if you could explain how to get

> out this illusions either by meditation or by good deeds or meeting

> good people around .


> Thank you,

> Madan Vemula


c s moothhy <choudur

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