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Book Review: The symbolism of Hindu Gods and Rituals by Sri A. Parthasarathy

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The symbolism of Hindu Gods and Rituals


`The Vedas, the very source of Hinduism, authoritatively

proclaim that the Reality is one and one alone ! Why then do Hindus

pray to so many gods ? Why do they not concentrate on one God, one

ritual and one practice like other religions ? Such questions have

baffled even intellectuals.

The Hindus are not polytheistic. Hinduism speaks of one God

that is the supreme self in all, Atman, Brahman. The different gods

and goddesses of the Hindu Pantheon are mere representatives of the

powers and functions of the one supreme God in the manifested world.

Hinduism has thoughtfully brought in gods and goddesses,

rituals and festivals, ceremonies and celebrations. The master plan

of the Hindu sages is to divinise everything in this world since

main attention has always been upon the world. The plan has been

drawn logically, scientifically, practically. For instance, Hinduism

has personified wealth and riches in the form of the goddess

Lakshmi. So a man who runs after material wealth is made to remember

the goddess in all his transactions. Thus a touch of divinity is

lent to his material pursuits. Everything is divinised from the

cradle to the grave.' So says

Sri A. Parthasarathy in his book `The Symbolism of Hindu Gods and


The writer has explained in detail the symbolism behind the

image of each God like Ganesa, Subramanya, Siva, Nataraja etc.

For instance in his description of Lord Vishnu he explains

why Vishnu is blue in colour and wears yellow.

`The blue colours of Vishnu indicates His infinite stature.

Blue is associated with the infinite like the sky or ocean. Yellow

isusually attributed to the earth for two reasons. One, the earth

glows with a yellow fire when introduced in a colourless flame, and

two, anything that is buried in the earth for a long period of time

gathers a yellowish colour. Vishnu, blue in colour and clothed in

yellow, therefore, represents the descent of the infinite,

immeasurable, transcendental truth to the terrestrial realm i.e.,

God in a human form.'

He also explains why Vishnu has to be prayed. `Goddess

Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu, sits at his feet serving him. When

man seeks the higher truth and is disinterested in the world, the

sense objects seek him. When Vishnu is sought, Lakshmi necessarily

follows the seeker. The moment man runs after wealth, the object of

desire leaves him. That is the law.'

The writer has elaborated on the Hindu epics, rituals and

festivals too in a lucid style. To quote just one festival Dassehra,

he gives a graphic description of how we should pray to the three


`The nine days' worship is divided into three days' worship

for each of the three Goddesses. The worship of Durga for the first

three days signifies the destruction of negative vasanas /

tendencies inherent in man. The next three days' worship of Lakshmi

signifies the establishment of positive tendencies. The last three

days dedicated to Saraswathi is the gaining of knowledge of the

supreme self. They indicate symbolically the training at three

levels physical mental and intellectual to achieve the goal set for

each type of worship. The victorious tenth day Vijayadasami

represents the day of enlightenment.'

The location of temple has its own significance. `The

location of the temple at a high altitude signifies that spiritual

evolution is above all mundane achievements in this world. The

seeker has tso be single pointed and consistent in his efforts. The

single file footpath to the temples indicates that the seeker of

truth is all alone in his spiritual pursuit.'

There are many more such beautiful illustrations to every

minute ritual followed in Hinduism. This book should be read and

digested by every Hindu who follows Bhakti Marg.


Name of the book - The symbolism of Hindu Gods

and Rituals

Writer's name - Sri A. Parthasarathy

For copies - Sri A. Parthasarathy

IA Landsend

Dongarsi Road

Malabar Hill

Mumbai - 400 006.

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