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Mahakavi and Kavikulaguru KALIDASA tells about 'Mantra Phala' in

his work 'Laghustavam' as specified below.


'Yekaikam tawa devi beejamanagham savynjanaavyanjanam

kootastham yadiwaa pruthakramagatow yadwaasthitam vyutkramaat

yam yam kaamamapekshya yenavidhianaa kenaapivaa chintitam

japtamvaa saphaleekaroti satatam tamtam samastam nrunaam'


'yekaiakm' (each and every) 'tawadevi' (o!Goddess

yours) 'beejamanagham' (words having high value) 'savyanjanaa

vyanjanam' (prefixed and suffixed and not so) 'kootastham' (fixed

with no change)'yadiwaa'( or otherwise) 'sthitam yutrakaamt'(standing

in reverse)'yamyam kaamamapekshya' (any one with any

desire) 'kenavidhinaa (in any manner) kenaapivaa chintitam

(remembered by any one) 'japtamvaaa' ( or performed

japam) 'saphaleekaroti satatam (always doing fruitful) 'tamtam

samastam nrunaam'(for all human beings).


'O!Goddess you are fulfilling all the desires of devotees who

perform japam or remembering your Mantras as those mantras are in

combination of valuable words. Let those mantras may in combinatiaon

with some other words either prefixed or suffixed or not so, or fixed

with some other words which are usefull to the main mantra, or in

reverse manner at some times. Those mantras are very effective even

by japam or smaranam by any one and at any time, and those mantras

are capable to fulfil all the desires of all human beings who are

praying you.'

In this Sloka the Mahakavi KALIDASA specifies the importence and

values of words which are called as 'beejam'(seed). All words are

having valuable meaning for its own. In this context it is not wrong

one in remebering the Bhashyakara PATANJALI words. He says " Sarve

sabdaaha sarvaartha vaachakahaa tadapi yogidrusaaha naasmadrusaaha "

means all words specifies all . Those secrets shall be viewed by

yogis and not by any other including him. As such it is clear that

the words power is having high values.

The Bhagawati is a female and the mother of whole universe and

is very merciful. Hence all devotees may get Her blessings by

rendering the Japam of Her mantra or remembering, and benifited

through a Master (Guru).


Dr.G.S.S.Sastry drgsssastry

mobile 9949632623

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