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The ' Bhagawad Gita ' is the main base for 'Sanatana Dharma '

since several hundred years. This Great work attracted several

forieners also. Mahatma Gandhi was also inspired by this great book,

and he told " Bhagawat Gita is my mother " . Jagadguru Sri

Sankaraacharya, Sri Ramaanujaacharya and Sri Madhwaacharya also wrote

comentaries on this great book duly recognising the importence of it

The Bhagawat Gita is an extract and essence of all 'Upanishads'.

It is a wonder to recognise that the Bhagawat Gita now

availiable is not in compleate shape as 45 ( forty five ) 'slokas'are

missing. We can see only 700 slokas in Bhagwat Gita now. The

compleate Bhagawat Gita contains 745 ( seven hundreden fory five )

slokas in which we are missing 45 slokas.

In 'Mahabharata' the Bhagwat Gita was told by Lord Krishna to

Arjuna. It was composed in the Mahabharata in 'Bhisma Parwa' at 42

chapter by the great sage Sri Vedavyasa Maharshi. After compleation

of this chapter Sri Vedavyasa Maharshi mentiond the slokas naumber

which was spoken by Lord Krishna, Arjuna, Sanjaya amd King

Dhrutarashtra as 620, 57, 67, 1, respectively as mentiond below. .


" Shatsataani samvisaani slokaanaam praaha kesavaha

arjunaha saptapanchaasat saptashasthimcha sanjayaha

dhrutaraastraha slokamekam giitaayaa maanamuchyate "

We may find this sloka in the 43 chapter of Sri Mahabharata'


Dr.F.O.Schrader the then librarian of Adayaar library, Madras

(now Chennai) Tamil Nadu, observed the above sloka and tried his

leverl best to collect the compleate text of Bhagawat Gita which

contains 745 slokas. He saw a book 'Gitartha Sangraha' (published by

Nirnaya sagar press) which was written duly based on the the

compleate Bhagwat Gita. After that he collected the original text

with commentaries by ABHINAVAGUPTA and SARVATOBHADRA. And he

published the original text of Bhagawat Gita in Roman Script in the

year 1912 A.D.

The famous writer 'Al Beruni' of 11 th cen. A.D. in his book 'Al

Beruni in India' also mentiond that the Gita contains 745 slokas.

Another famous writer 'Abul Fazl' translated the Gita in Arabbi

language. His brother 'Fiazi' was also translated our Gita into

arabbi in poetry form which also states that the Gita contains 745

slokas. But the Original Text of Bhagwat Gita was not availiable

for indians for a long time.

The great pandit Rajavaidya Jeevaraam KALIDASA SASTRIJI of

Gondal, Kathiyawad district of Gujarat State take so much pains to

collect the Original text and published it in Gujarati language with

commentary in the year 1936 A.D. He was alos published the Gita with

English translation with the name 'Chandra Ghanta' in the year1937.

The followers of Sanatana Dharma must be thankful to the above J.K

Sastry alias Sri Charana tirtha.


Now I am herby mentioning some slokas which are not available

in the Bhagawat Gita, and availiable in the Compleate Bhagawat Gita



" Twam maanusshye nopahataantraatmaa

vishaada mohaabhibhawaa dwisamgnaha

krupaa gruheeta samavekshya bandhoo

nabhiprasaannaan mukhamantakasya " 11 sloka in 2nd chapter


" Yadaa sarwe prabhidyante hrudayasyeha grandhayaha

sabhawatyamrto martya yetawadanusaasanam " 79 sloka in 2nd chapter


Naarayanooham purushaha sivoham

brahmaahamasmi sakalaahamasmi

purnohameesascha puraatanoham

hiranmayo gnanarupohamasmi 35 sloka in 11th chapter


Prakrutim purushamchaiva

kshetram kshetragna evacha

yetattate kathayishyami

gnanam gneyamcha bhaarata 1st sloka in 13th chpter





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