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Dear Fellow Travellers in TBP,


Love and Love alone....


Kindly read the below reproduced questions and answers. The answers

were given by Poojya Ramsukhdas ji Maharaj. Just note how we should

maintain the mind.


Love and Love alone...


P. Gopi Krishna




Question: How do bad influences and impressions fall on us ?


Swamiji: If the mind engages in thoughts of enjoying pleasures then

new impressions are formed on the mind. When you engage and immerse

your mind either while enjoying pleasures or while contemplating on

enjoying pleasures, in both these instances, new impressions will be

formed on the mind. These impressions will further trouble you; then

they will be recollected and remembered. Therefore do not take joy

or feel sorrowful in these thoughts. Simply do not cling to any

thoughts that come, whether good or bad. Whether pleasurable things

come or unpleasurable things come your way, let not your mind become

joyful or sorrowful. When the mind becomes joyful or sorrowful, in

either instances,

impressions are left on the mind.


Mind is like wax. Madhusudanacharya has said that Iron is solid;

however when fired hot, it becomes molten like softened wax and it

melts. Similarly even though the mind is inert and solid, but on

coming in contact with heat it melts.


Now who is the one that heats? It has been explained -


Kaam krodh bhaya sneha harsh shaukh dayaa dayaha

Taapkaaschritt jatanustschaantau kathinam tu tat. "


There are seven things that heat the mind and make it melt. They

are - Passionate Desires (kaam), anger (krodh), fear (bhay),

affection (sneh), rejoicing (harsh), grief (shaukh), and compassion

(daya). When the desire is very intense, and one enjoy the sense

objects, then while indulging in these pleasures, deep impressions

are left on the mind. And often even if 30, 40, 50 years go by, even

then, it may appear as if the incident has just occured. This is

because impressions have been deeply embedded in the melted mind.

Now even when the mind is not feeling this, yet the embedded

impressions subtly remain there.

The more the mind melts, the deeper the impressions are that will

remain in the subconscious mind. Similarly when one is very angry,

the incident that was the cause of the anger, will be remembered for

a longer period of time. This is again for the same reason, that the

mind melted at that moment and impressions were deeply etched in the

mind. Similarly experience of a very fearful incident can cause

great fear, then that too will cause deep impressions and for a long

time that fear will be invoked. This is how all such influences and

impressions get etched in the mind.


Gopi Krishna <gopi

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