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Pujya Ramsukhdasji's answers reg. Sins and Virtues .. Pl. read.

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Question: Where is the accumulated storehouse of sins and virtues

that are resulting from all our actions?


It is stored in the inner conscience (antahakarna), just like

electricity that is being used is recorded in the meter. In any

household, however much one may try to hide and use the electricity,

yet the meter keeps running and recording without fail. Similarly the

meter for recording all the sins and virtues is the inner conscience



Question: By doing virtuous actions, can our sins be erased?


Sinful and virtuous actions are both coming from different

departments. Their accumulation is happening in separate departments.

Therefore in essence, one cannot erase the other. However if man with

the aim of reducing his sins takes a firm resolve, then with that

resolution, sins can be destroyed; just like by giving a money for

bail, a man can be released from prison.


Question: If the two departments are completely separate, then what

caused the breakdown in the Rishi's severe penance?


Penance can never be broken down, but some interruption came into the

process. Whatever penance has already been done, that can never be

destroyed. It is due to one's own lack of conviction and focus that

resulted in the interruption or created an obstacle in the penance.

If one's own self does not lack firmness, then no one else can cause

one to go a stray. " kaami bachan sati manu jaise. " (Manas Bal. 251:1)

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