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www.telugubhakti.com Complaint and appeal

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Dear Gopikrishna garu,

i regret for slip spelling ur name.thank u very much for ur kind reply

and i read other replies also. i am grateful for ur articles. as u

said we have to assimilate and understand and then only we can give

our response. further we enjoy ur articles we do not have words to

express our gratitude to u as we are humbled by the words in ur


with warm regards

rajen babu

rajen babu <rajen_b

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I believe there should be a free flow of give and take on the forum.

The moderators must initially watch for any bad postings. Once

the member is found to be genuine, then moderation must cease

and messages must flow in. At the moment, there seems to be

" over-protection " of aims. I am one of the frequent posters on

another forum. I restrict myself to one original posting per day,

never more than two. Even if the postings are good, if the mail

box is flooded, there is tendency to skip them as reading mail

is part of the daily chores, not the only chore. My experience on

this forum is the moderation is too stifling and spontaneity is



On the other hand, like in many other forums, there are a few good

messages that I save including from the writer of this posting.


Regards! - mOhana

J. K. Mohana Rao <jkmrao

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Dear Raghava Rao Garu,


Love and Love alone....


Yes, only this love is binding me from stop posting mails to TBP. The fact is

I do not wish to appear as the sole proprietor of this TBP group, when there are

more 2000 members in it. I feel sad that only I and, of course, a couple of

others, along with me, keep posting and all other remain just readers, or to put

it more openly, mute witnesses or spectators. I do not really understand why

people hide themselves under the garb of some lame excuses and do not try to

exert themselves to get out of that veil to see this beautiful world, with full

of vibrant colours. God has sent us into this world to learn and enjoy. Human

being is a social animal. It means, he has to share whatever he has, whether it

is knowledge, money, life, etc. etc. But, what we have been observing in our

day-to-day lives is that we are becoming social reclues, thereby alienating

ourselves from others and try to contact others only when there is need. It is,

in other words, known as " selfishness " . Let

us do something positive to galvanise ourselves, so that we also tread on the

same path, which our elders walked and realise the same Truth, which they also

realised and showed us the sure and straight way, through sharing with love and

love alone.....


Love and Love alone.....


P. Gopi Krishna




RAGHAVA RAO <ennarar59 wrote:

Dear Gopi Krishna garu,


Please do not stop your mails until I request you. If you do that many people

like me will be put to disadvantage. If such a situation comes, kindly post to

my mailbox at least.


With regards


Raghava Rao N


Paritala Gopi Krishna <p_gopi_krishna wrote:

Dear Hemantha Kumar Garu,


Love and Love alone.....


I most reverentially bow my head for your frankness and commitment to

your office work. I respect your feelings and sentiments. Having said

that, let me add a couple of lines from my side.



slowly and steadily, as one grows. It takes time. It is applicable to

both physical or materialistic and spiritual growth or learning. So,

you need not feel shy to express your opinion. Bhagawan Sri Ramana

Maharshi says, learn whatever you wish to learn fully, but

ultimately, learn to unlearn what you have learnt. So, unless one is


TRUTH. I wholeheartedly welcome you to write, whatever you can, just

a few lines, for my sake and for the sake of this wonderful group.

The more you express, the more the things get cleared and the more

you learn. Knowledge is such a treasure, the more you share, the more

it increases. I, therefore, beseech you to come on board and share

whatever you can. I hope you honour my word.


I am also working, but I contribute whatever I have been, during

lunch hour, or after hours for some time, or whenever I do not have

any work. Where there is a will, there is a way. Please realise that

God has given the same time (same 24 hours) to every one and our

ancient and sacred Sastras say that at least we should earmark 10 per

cent of ours, whether it is income or time or anything for that

matter, for the purpose of spiritual / religious and social

(unselfish) activities. It means, at least 2 hours 40 minutes, we

should earmark for pursuing spiritual and social activities and in

income, 10 per cent. Choice is ours, how we do it, when we do it and

where we do it.


Kindly walk along with us and, believe me, we feel very happy and

honoured in your company.


Love and Love alone......


P. Gopi Krishna




Hemantha Kumar <andhraputhra wrote:

Dear Gopi Krishna Garu,


Thank you for your warm concern. I have not opted for being a member

of TBP. Somehow I started receiving mails and on perusing liked some,

agreed with some and used discard some (honestly).


My problem is since I see positive things in many mails bringing me

knowledge with hardly any cost, I never wished to from

any of the groups.


Frankly speaking, I am on the lists of about 5 and my

mailbox is inundated with mails from all these groups, with an

average of over 100 mails a day. I have to add about 50 mails an

average that I receive officially. It becomes impossible for me to

see all the mails and reply to them however, I wish. Moreover, the

traffic from TBP is very rapid with a lot of mails deluging my inbox



Since I take a salary and am bound to reply, I answer all my official

mails on a daily basis. But my personal mails take a casualty.


Can you believe if I say that presently I have about 1960 unread

mails in my personal mail inbox?


Under these circumstance I find myself inadequate on two grounds.


1) Time and

2) Knowledge (My knowledge is very limited, especially when it comes

to philosophy or religion and I prefer to conceal my ignorance than

publish it.)


Hence, with due respects, I wish to inform you that though I enjoy my

mails I am unable to contribute any further.


With Pranaamams

Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy


Paritala Gopi Krishna <p_gopi_krishna wrote:

Dear Friends in TBP,


Love nad Love alone....


I have a complaint, and I expect an answer from each one of you in

TBP. I expect you all to respond to my complaint. I fervently hope

that you will not disappointment. I await.


The complaint is, I have been observing for some days that we have

2,000+ membership in TBP, but none of you is posting anything in it.

As rightly said by a member, only my mails are visible in TBP. Have I

marginalised all others in TBP?! If so, I take corrective actions at

my end without any hesitation. I started feeling guilty now that I

usurped all your space by posting so many from my side. I will stop

posting for some time, or post just one or two, so that you all can

also chip in with whatever you have. To tell you the truth, I have so

much material with me that even I keep on posting the way I have been

doing so far, I can still post for one year uninterruptedly. But,

what is the use, if you friends do not share and exchange what you

have with others? If not anything else, you can just comment on many

topics like Mahabharata, Books-review, some friends' postings,

poetry, songs, etc. etc. Have you read Mahabharata in the files

section. The writer is taking so much of pain to make it as

interesting as possible. We should all comment on such great

treasures and efforts. Kindly do not just keep quiet. Say something

(at least to encourage others). How do you encourage your child, when

he does some small good work? The writers expect your comments and

reactions. Please remember. As for me, I am doing it for the sake of

doing and I am responding to each and every comment. I am sure, you

all are observing that.


My appeal to you is kindly share your knowledge, your views, your

wisdom, your love, your everything with others. The more you share,

the more you gain. It is the unwritten law of Nature.


I hope, henceforth, I can expect you all to share your views and love

with all others here.


Love and Love alone....


P. Gopi Krishna







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P. Gopi Krishna



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Dear Reddy Garu,


Love and Love alone.....


Your complaint is well taken. We all stop, and you kindly start posting some

good items. We wholeheartedly welcome you. Kindly accept this invitation and be

a contributor to TBP. Kindly do not do like " Amma pettanupettadu adukkuni

tinanivaadu "


I have received hundreds of e-mails praising the contributions and I can send

you all of them, if you so desire. But, taking into your views, I am ready to

withdraw, provided you start contributing regularly. I can also assure you that

all other contributors will also stop. Are you ready? Kindly confirm.


Speaking truth is very good, but speaking untruth in the garb of truth is not

at all appreciated. Not only that, thinking that one is speaking truth, one

cannot be rash or to put it otherwise, brutally frank. I await your response.


I do not know your capacity of intake, but let me assure you that there are

members who are capable of taking many than what has been contributed here so

far. Unfortunately, your constitution is very weak. What anybody can do about

it, unless you want to rectify it yourself?


Love and Love alone.....


P. Gopi Krishna


Madhusudhana Reddy Parvathaneni <madusudhanreddy2000 wrote:

Great friends and OWNER TBP,


Now a days speaking truth and facts is the biggest sin one makes in the

current world, Speaking with a sweet tongue, is liked by everybody,

- those who are dare enough speak truth even now,

- those that do not want to invite problems keep quite,

- those who are opportunities speak with honey words - this is the order of

the day - no complaints.


Some time back, the first thing I used to do was – opening my email and read

TELUGU BHAKTI Pages emails, which are so interesting for my personal, religious,

devotional life.


But now to open my mail box, I am nervous, there is a pile up of 1500 emails.

I am not trying to blame any body, but it is a fact, that after our friends:


Selvaratnam Selvakumar,



Paritala Gopi Krishna,



Invading TBP and bombarding my email box with 5 to 10 emails per day, my

interested turned in to Fear. In fact I opened a special folder for each of

these guys today to move their emails to the respective folder. I am waiting for

a blue moon day to come, to open and read their emails.


They may be telling good things, but their invasion affected my interest



Friends, when we are hungry we can eat 200 or 300 grams of rice, if starved

for a few days may be 1 Kg of rice, but you cannot eat for a week, month or year

in one shot.


Similarly our mind cannot digest so many things in one day, may be good.



Last time when I made a comment, people advised me to stop reading the emails,

not interesting. But here situation is different.


So as wise people do the best and the TBP moderator should take active part

and restrict people to send emails, may be excellent, at the most one per day,

then TBP becomes a real useful one.


Reddy M




Madhusudhana Reddy Parvathaneni


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  • 2 months later...

Dear Hemantha Kumar Garu,


Love and Love alone....


I do agree with your view that the earlier mails need not be reproduced while

replying. It would save a lot of space and time too, though at times, it would

be very convenient to have both the mails for easy reading and reference. I hope

every one in the TBP will follow this suggestion henceforth while responding.

Thanks a lot.


It only shows that the TBP is flourishing!!! Or, does it show something else,

either you are too busy or ..... Yes, most of the mails are worth preserving,

which I am doing myself. So, delete is no option. As for the editing by the

Moderator, I doubt it is possible, as the Moderators are as busy, may not be

more, as you are, being employed. I hope you understand and appreciate it.


If you can take the mantle of the Moderator, I would be too glad to suggest it

to the Group owner, but you are too busy already!!! However, kindly let me know

your opinion.


Love and Love alone....


P. Gopi Krishna


Hemantha Kumar <andhraputhra wrote:

Dear Gopi Krishna Garu,


Sincere regrets for catching up after such a delay. But having done so, I

could see Mr. Reddy's, Mr. Mohan Rao's, Mr. Sastry's and your points.


I am not going to protest on one single person's postings. But I certainly

would like to suggest that the earlier mails being entailed in each mail can be

" snipped " to the required extent at least.


As of now I have over 2100 mails to be still seen and let me tell you most of

them are from Telugu Bhakti Pages.


Yes, we can always delete them and/or . But please do kindly

understand that many of the mails are real gems and we would not like to lose on

them. Yet, some sort of serious editing by the moderator could be very helpful

is what I think.


Best wishes

Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy


Gopi Krishna <p_gopi_krishna wrote:

Dear Reddy Garu,


Love and Love alone.....


Your complaint is well taken. We all stop, and you kindly start posting some

good items. We wholeheartedly welcome you. Kindly accept this invitation and be

a contributor to TBP. Kindly do not do like " Amma pettanupettadu adukkuni

tinanivaadu "


I have received hundreds of e-mails praising the contributions and I can send

you all of them, if you so desire. But, taking into your views, I am ready to

withdraw, provided you start contributing regularly. I can also assure you that

all other contributors will also stop. Are you ready? Kindly confirm.

<deleted the balance portion and entailing mails>



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P. Gopi Krishna



5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox.



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Dear Hemantha Kumar Garu,


Love and Love alone....


Thank you very much for your response and also your frank admission that it is

not possible for you to devote some time to take up such a work as one of the

Moderators of TBP, which you felt very important, to edit the postings in this

digest. I do also feel very sincerely my dear Sir that we can maintain TBP in a

better way. But, as we have our own compulsions, we should understand that the

Moderators have also their own compulsions. It is not that out of laziness or

something else, the Moderators are not attending to such jobs, as suggested by

you in your first mail, but due to lack of time, as they are as hard pressed for

time as you are. Not only you, none of the members of this group have come

forward to help the Owner of TBP to give him a helping hand so far, in spite of

several appeals. And, I know, how the Owner and Moderator of this great group is

carrying on the work undaunted and selflessly. How many of you know that he is

paying the charges from his pocket for hosting this website, without any income

on it? I know him so closely and for a long time (nearly 15 years now), and,

therefore, without his permission, I am writing all these details to you and

many others in the group, so that they will not rake up unnecessary issues in

future. I sincerely hope the Owner will forgive me for writing all this, without

his prior permission. So, let us not cast aspersions EVEN REMOTELY on anybody,

much less on persons like the Owner and Moderators of this great TBP. I am sure,

you sincerely understand and appreciate my concern.


Love and Love alone.....


P. Gopi Krishna




Hemantha Kumar <andhraputhra wrote:

Dear Gopi Krishna Garu,


Thank you kindly for the offer. I took two days to carefully think before

answering your offer. It would have been a pleasure to accept the offer.

However, my present job leaves me with very little time for such a regular work.


Hence, I regret that I am not in a position to accept your job. Thank you so

much though.


Best wishes

Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy


Gopi Krishna <p_gopi_krishna wrote:

Dear Hemantha Kumar Garu,


Love and Love alone....


I do agree with your view that the earlier mails need not be reproduced while

replying. It would save a lot of space and time too, though at times, it would

be very convenient to have both the mails for easy reading and reference. I hope

every one in the TBP will follow this suggestion henceforth while responding.

Thanks a lot.


It only shows that the TBP is flourishing!!! Or, does it show something else,

either you are too busy or ..... Yes, most of the mails are worth preserving,

which I am doing myself. So, delete is no option. As for the editing by the

Moderator, I doubt it is possible, as the Moderators are as busy, may not be

more, as you are, being employed. I hope you understand and appreciate it.


If you can take the mantle of the Moderator, I would be too glad to suggest it

to the Group owner, but you are too busy already!!! However, kindly let me know

your opinion.


Love and Love alone....


P. Gopi Krishna


Hemantha Kumar <andhraputhra wrote:

Dear Gopi Krishna Garu,


Sincere regrets for catching up after such a delay. But having done so, I

could see Mr. Reddy's, Mr. Mohan Rao's, Mr. Sastry's and your points.


I am not going to protest on one single person's postings. But I certainly

would like to suggest that the earlier mails being entailed in each mail can be

" snipped " to the required extent at least.


As of now I have over 2100 mails to be still seen and let me tell you most of

them are from Telugu Bhakti Pages.


Yes, we can always delete them and/or . But please do kindly

understand that many of the mails are real gems and we would not like to lose on

them. Yet, some sort of serious editing by the moderator could be very helpful

is what I think.


Best wishes

Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy


Gopi Krishna <p_gopi_krishna wrote:

Dear Reddy Garu,


Love and Love alone.....


Your complaint is well taken. We all stop, and you kindly start posting some

good items. We wholeheartedly welcome you. Kindly accept this invitation and be

a contributor to TBP. Kindly do not do like " Amma pettanupettadu adukkuni

tinanivaadu "


I have received hundreds of e-mails praising the contributions and I can send

you all of them, if you so desire. But, taking into your views, I am ready to

withdraw, provided you start contributing regularly. I can also assure you that

all other contributors will also stop. Are you ready? Kindly confirm.

<deleted the balance portion and entailing mails>



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P. Gopi Krishna


5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox.




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P. Gopi Krishna



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Dear Hemantha Kumar Garu,


Love and Love alone....


Thanks for the reply, but you missed the most crucial point in your response.

The last mail was not directed to you, though addressed in your name. If you

read and re-read between the lines, you will understand and appreciate the

content and context. In general, I have been observing, in TBP, people do not

lost an opportunity to complain. I, therefore, requested every one to

contribute, so that one need not contribute so many. Unfortunately, you took it

on you, but, let me clarify once again, it was not so. Smile Sir !!!


Thanks for enjoying and appreciating the mails posted in TBP, whether you are

a voluntary member or otherwise. I cannot comment on that, as I do not know the

truth and I purely go by your word.


Yes, I also support your opinion that long mails, especially with attachments

should be avoided to the extent possible. I once again appeal to all members in

TBP to take note of this aspect.


I hope, at least now, you realise the true/inner meaning of my earlier

responses to your mail and KEEP SMILING.


Love and Love alone....


P. Gopi Krishna


Hemantha Kumar <andhraputhra wrote:

Dear Gopi Krishna Garu,


Thank you for your detailed reply.


However, I wish to clarify a few aspects.


To the best of my remembrance I have not put any aspersions. Cutting off the

unwanted mail from an earlier mail is normally in the hands of a responder (like

I just did it to a portion of your mail below) and may not require a moderator

or a owner to do it.


I appreciate the owner for having invested money, time, knowledge and

energies. But at the same time we also should be aware that I have not requested

to be a member. Mails are being sent to my e-mail ID and I make sincere efforts

to read the same, giving reverence to the all round efforts of such well

knowledgeable and experienced person.


But if my inbox is being inundated with very long mails, it will require a lot

of time to read which is in paucity for many a number of us. If too many lengthy

mails are sent where many cannot read them fully, what purpose does it serve,



Yes, Yes, I do realise that there is the DELETE button which I can very well

use, which anyway I am using rather generously now.


But without trying to put aspersions on anybody, it still would be appreciated

if posters could use the KISS (keep it Short and Simple) system. This is only an

opinion. If it is taken as an advice or criticism or a complaint, it is the

choice of the reader.


Best wishes

Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy


Gopi Krishna <p_gopi_krishna wrote:

Dear Hemantha Kumar Garu,


Love and Love alone....


Thank you very much for your response and also your frank admission that it is

not possible for you to devote some time for such a work, which you feel, should

be taken care of well. <snip>



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P. Gopi Krishna



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