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Dear UM Rao Garu, Sridhar Garu and Navin Garu and all others in TBP,


Love and Love alone....


My hearty congratulations to all the three of you, who have come out

with some positive response. It is really heartening to note that

there are still people like you, who attentively read these messages

and also react with alacrity. I bow my head in appreciation, respect

and love to you all. I am one with you, believe me.


Please see that you form a group of like minded people as soon as

possible and take up some such task, which would not only help and

save the lives of the suffering lot but also see that our age-old

tradition and culture is protected (like renovation of old temples,

dhoopa-deepaaraadhana, etc.) in all respects.


I suggest one simple task, if you do not mind. Just contribute Rs.

100.00 every month and the only condition is that each member should

enrol another member, who will have the same kind of zeal and

enthusiasm. Pool up this money every month and do some such service

as the necessary arises, such as cremating unclaimed dead-bodies with

all love and respect, educate the deserving children from poor

families, help aged-poor-persons with food, shelter, medicines etc.,

marriages in poor-families, etc., etc. There are thousands of such

issues, which really require all our immediate attention. But, one

thing you should all always keep in mind. Do not BEG or BORROW, do

not take credit or loans (means, service for the sake of service and

Love for God), as it would turn out to be a burden at a latr date.

When one feels any social work (or selfless work) as burden, then it

is not at all a social work, it is a headache. Above all, the funds

should be spent very scrupulously and miserly, as it is HIS money for

HIS sake (Daridra-narayana - it hurts me a lot to write like this,

but the fact reamins always that it is true). Not only that, only

some such person(s) handle the cash, who is/are true and honoest to

the core and he/they should send the detailed statement of accounts

to all the members every month through e-mail ONLY.


I can suggest n-number of such schemes, should any of you is

interested and prepared to work selflessly. A few of us are planning

to start some such organisation very soon. I can give you details

individually, as it is not at all fair on my part to write all that

in TBP for every one, without knowing the real intentions.


Love and Love alone....


P. Gopi Krishna





lakshmimadhav udayagiri " <lakshmimadhav

Dear Friend,

Impressed with the idea.

Is there any list of the temples, with no nitya deeparadhana. If so

I like to know more about thesame. Instead of waiting for some to

come and start something let me start with one small temple.




Mr sridhar bandaru " <sridhar_bandaru

Members of Telugu Bhakti group,

I have read couple of responses on this topic. Everyone agrees on the

fact that we should do something but no one had any ideas on what can

be done. I'm posting some of my thoughts to ponder upon. Some of

these thoughts are based on my own personal experience. I helped

construct a Sri Shirdi Sai Baba temple. I'm still active in

supporting regular maintenance.


I have similar thoughts as some of the members, I always wondered why

people need a miracle to turn their attention to God. So tomorrow in

the same dilapidated temple say a miracle like milk drops happen,

people throng to the temple. If wishes materialize, they are ready to

trek miles but would not be willing to donate time without any

ulterior motive. Everyone forgets the fact that what you get is

already written.


Another topic that ticks me off is the corruption in temples but

probably I should put that aside for another e-mail.


Here are the dependencies:

- Constructing or maintaining a temple is not a one shot effort. It

requires time and financial commitment over a long period of time.

- Effort can be a one shot effort or would it need extended help like

Poojari quarters and salaries, regular temple activities to name

some. This largely depends on the state of the temple.

- We need to make sure that at least 95% of effort will actually go

to the temple. Minimize overhead.


What we can do:

- We can find a temple that is really in bad shape. Pool some funds

and donate to the temple. We might need an analysis on what has to be


- File a petition with local authorities. In my opinion,

accountability is high if we go to district collector level.

- May be even find corporate grants for local temples.


What we need:

- Volunteer(s) to identify the temple.

- Monetary donations.

- A local help : this will help monitor the overhead.

- People who are ready to devote some time over a period of time.


What others can do:

- Have faith in the effort and put in your sincere effort and


- Spread the word.


Hopefully I haven't discouraged anyone. If we can help renovate one

temple only then we can say " drop in a ocean " otherwise it is

meaningless to use that term.


Sridhar Bandaru



Pathuru Navin " <pathurun


Dear Siva Ram Garu.

Dear Rajen Garu.

Dear Gopi Garu.

Mee andariki Na PadabhiVandanam.

Thank you.

My thoughts.

I will give Rs1 Lakh and i will gather 10 friends of mine who will

each contribute the same. Let us contribute this money to any Temple

and repair it. 10 more people will gather in a similar way and we

will use the money for the Temples. 100 people like that totally

towards working this. No limit, even a Tulasi Dalam from anyone is

sufficient. If we can contribute to 1 Temple in 1 year in the years

to come more will gather successfully. " I need 100 men and women who

with the heart of a Lion are ready to lay down their lives for India

and I will bring India back to life, I am coming. " Vivekananda Swamy.

Process and accountability later, Heart first. Can we help. Yes let

us help with the Blessings of AduKondala Swamy not with ego.



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