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Pujya Sri Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

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Oh Lord! I am Your child. Whether I am good or bad, however I am, I

am only Your child. Leaving You, where else can I go? Who will talk

to me? Who will listen to me? This world is like a vast forest.

Seeking help from the world, is like crying helplessly in the forest.

Besides You, there is no one else that will listen. Oh Great King

(Maharaj) ! Who can I tell? Who will feel any compassion towards me?

If I had good qualities, then may be someone may listen to me. But

who will listen to a sinner? Who will listen to one with bad



Oh Lord! my Govind, my Gopal ! it is only You, that takes care of the

cows and provides

pastures (charaa). I am just like the bull, totally untamed ! Only

you can fill that role. Who else is there that has the courage to

accept me? Who has such strength ?


What happiness or gratification can I provide to another? By taking

me in also what will they do? By giving me food, shelter, clothes,

spending money, what will they gain from me? Who will take care of

such a worthless one ? It is only due to your compassion, that

somehow I get by, otherwise who care?


Oh Lord, on having few skills, I become arrogant. The talent is so

very little, but I begin to believe that I am great, I am capable, I

am a special, I am an orator, I am clever, I am smart, I am

intelligent, I am a renunciate (tyaagi), I am unattached. Oh Lord !

What pride I have ! I have heard that you dislike the arrogant ones

and you love those filled with humility. Since you do not like pride,

than why don't you remove it from me? Why don't you take it away?


A dirty child, climbs into his mother's lap, is bound to be cleansed

by her. Who else would do that? Would the mother take him in only if

he was clean ? Lord, if you do not like my

impurities, then why don't you cleanse me off these impurities. You

only will have to take that task upon yourself, Maharaj.


Oh Lord (He Naath), You are everything to me. Besides you, who else

is there? Who will give someone like me a hug? Have mercy on me, as I

am Yours. Only do this out of Your compassion, my Lord.

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