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Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharshi Uvacha

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The mind of the sage (jnani) never leaves Brahman (That is, Self).

But the mind of the ignorant one (ajnani) is such that wandering in

the world it suffers, and turning back to Brahman for a while enjoys

happiness. What is called the world is nothing but thought. When the

world disappears, that is, when there is no thought, the mind

experiences bliss (ananda). When the world appears, it experiences





Happiness is inherent in man and not due to external causes. One must

realise his Self in order to open the store of unalloyed happiness.




Learn first who you are. This requires no sastras (scriptures) or

scholarship. This is simple experience. This state of being is now

and here all along.




The ever-present self needs no efforts to be realised. Realisation is

already there. Illusion alone is to be removed.




The results of Karma (Action) pass away, and yet leave seeds that

cast the agent into an ocean of Karma. Karma yields no salvation.




When the mind turns away from the objects, it beholds its source,

Consciousness. That is Self-abidance.




Call it by any name, God, Self the Heart or the Seat of

Consciousness, it is all the same. The point to be grasped is this,

that HEART means the Core of one's Being, the Centre without which

there is nothing whatever.




Grace is the Self. It is not to be acquired: you only need to know

that it exists. The sun is brightness only, it does not see darkness.

Whereas others speak of darkness fleeing on the suns approach. So

also the devotee's ignorance, like the phantom of darkness vanishes

at the look of the Guru. You are surrounded by sunlight yet to see

the sun, you must turn in its direction and look at it. So also Grace

is found by the proper approach you make, though it is here and now.




To the astonishment of my friends, at all times and in all games I

used to win invariably, were it swimming or doing domestic chores.

That is why they called me golden hand. If my aunt began preparing

appalams she would call me and ask me to put my hand on it first. She

had great faith in me, because I would do everything according to her

wishes and never told lies.




To go around this hill (Arunachala) is good. In the word pradakshina

the letter pra stands for removal of all kinds of sins; da stands for

fulfilling the desires; kshi stands for freedom from future births;

na stands for giving deliverance through Jnana.




About Ramana by Duncan Greenless


I know no other man whose mere presence has thus enabled me to make

the personality drop down into the abyuss of nothingness where it

belongs. I have found no other human being who so emanates his grace

that it can catch away the ordinary man from his stillness and plunge

him deep in the ecstasy of timeless being.


(Taken from theRamana Gyan - Director Path - May-June 2007 issue of

Ramana Kendra, Delhi)

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