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Who am I?


Dr. N.V.Koteswara Rao






I am an entity belonging to the creator, the Ultimate Supreme Power,

designed and being brought up to perform His/Her Work alone at all

times under all circumstances provided to this entity as per the

Divine Will.


This entity as much as any other entity created and is existing in

this Universe, is totally dependent upon the Divine Mercy like a new

born child (The new born is apparently dependent on its living

mother. In reality the child does not know its mother. It is the

mother that knows the child, loves it, cares for it, and brings it up

taking it up as her responsibility / duty, without knowing the



No entity in this Creation has any independence of any kind at any

time / age or at any place but has only Love towards the Creator (not

knowing who He/ She is as the child would never know its mother

except by hearsay) and empathy towards other entities. The needs of

this entity are met by the Divine Plan for the Divine Purpose. This

entity, like any other, will be made to work and to incidentally

understand the Reality, overcoming the unreal Human Will, Human

Effort and Human Independence. Sooner or later it will understand

that each entity is like a ball in a ball-bearing made to move in a

fixed groove according to the design of the designer of the ball-



Each entity will be made to realise that it can do nothing

independent of the Divine Will and that whatever is being done by it

is not its doing but is being got done through it, by the Divine. It

will be made to realise, at some point in time in its life cycle, the

myth of its own will / its own effort. It will be made to realise

that it is only the Divine Plan that gets executed through the

misnomers such as likes and dislikes, choice/will, failures and

successes, desires and achievements of that entity or of any entity

for that matter.


Each entity is significantly insignificant in executing the Divine

Plan of Action, while being totally dependent upon the Divine (like

an employee in an organization performing his/her duties as assigned.

The duties get performed in spite of the employee. His/her will has

no significance for the requirements of the organisation. Thus the

employee is insignificant but the organisation and its Plans alone

are significant. If this employee is not performing, the organisation

will ensure that he / she would perform. The incorrigibles will be

pulled down and punished or retrained and are made to perform. The

performers and the non performers are equally insignificant over a

period of time.).


Each entity is unique and its performance is predefined by the Divine

Plan. There is no point in bringing in any comparison between

entities or their performance. The life cycle of each entity is

equally predefined. It is so dependent upon the Divine that it can

never oppose the Divine Will and hence it is a misnomer to surrender

to Him / Her! (Possibility of surrender arises if one has any

independence. Only when one is independent of the other and finds

the other to be more powerful than him, the possible surrender will

be needed for his own survival, as in the case of Vibhishana in



The Divine Will gets implemented through these entities without their

knowledge. Each entity would perform its assigned duties thinking

that it is performing it out of its own will, not being aware that it

is made to perform so!


Each entity is given a limited vision required to perform its

functions like the horses with their blinders! Each entity is

trained to perform with the limited knowledge and exposure provided

to it from time to time, required to do its work the way it is

designed to. The physical comforts/ discomforts provided to each

entity, are to direct the entity towards its specified

goal/objective/ duty to be performed as per the Divine Will.


Thus this is(I am) a significantly insignificant temporal entity.

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