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AATHREYA - Dr. BalaKrishna Murthy Ramaraju


AATHMA KATHA ( autobiography ) of A JEEVAATHMA .


In this article Jeevaathma is refered as " I " and " ME "


and Paramaathma is refered to with Respects and


Reverence as BRAHMAN ( Supreme Being ).


" I " am Paramaathma -: " Aham Brahmasmi "


" I " am part of BRAHMAN from the beginning ;


in fact Paramaathma has no beginning.


BRAHMAN is Eternal and " I " am a witness to


the creation of This Universe Eons and Eons ago .


birth of stars , Sun , Moon , Planets . " I " am a


witness to the birth of Galaxies and their death ,


Supernovas , Red Dwarfs and White Dwarfs ,


Giant Stars etc and their being swallowed by


Black Holes where even Light cannot escape.


" I " too was the master of all that " " I " surveyed by


Paramaathma , who is NirguNa = form less ,


and limit less. BRAHMAN is omniscient,


omnipresent , everywhere and yet distinct ,


detached and emotionless. " I " was in a state of


Supreme Bliss and was aware of original darkness


and being surrounded by an endless expanse of


waters when Time , Space , Light and Speed had


no relevance and " I " am beyond the pale of all the


five Elements. " I " am interstellar dust made up of


molecules , atoms , protons , electrons , positrons ,


neutrons , photons , bosons , meons , leptons .


Eons passed and suddenly Paramaathma BRAHMAN


took " ME " out and told " ME " that " I " am going to be put


in a Mother's womb and see what happens . " I " felt un-


happay and confused . BRAHMAN assured me that


It Is So Written And So Shall It Be Done ; however


BRAHMAN comforted me that " I " will come back and


Paramaathma will be waiting for " ME " . BRAHMAN is


also bound by the rules of KARMA (action) and it is all


part of Cosmic Exercise . " I " am anxious and at the


same time excited at the prospect of " MY " sojourn


away from BRAHMAN into the unknown .


Paramaathma told " ME " that even BRAHMAN is not


beyond the Law of Karma and Paramaathma had to


be born as several Incarnations more than the usual


Ten that humans are aware of and also BRAHMAN


was born several times as Realized souls , Great


Mahathamas and had to go through the ups and


downs of life on earth and BRAHMAN cannot make


an exception in " MY " case. SO BE IT. Om Thath Sath.


BRAHMAN said Paramaathma abhors inactivity , and


Vacum. Paramaathma assured " ME " that my sojourn


is for a maximum of 120 yrs and it depends upon


what happens to decide when " I " can join BRAHMAN.


Only Time will tell . Om Sahanaavavthu - Ptience.


By and By it came to pass that " I " found myself in " MY " "


Mother's womb - an ivory tower , cozy , comfortable and


cloistered , engulfed in darkness and surrounded by


water reminding " ME " of Jala Kalpam ; " I " " retained " MY "


memory of who " I " am and that " I " am a part of BRAHMAN.


So The Journey Starts . To Be Continued . - AATHREYA




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