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The Magic of Forgiveness...Dada J.P.Vaswami

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The Magic of Forgiveness...Dada J.P.Vaswami

the author of many many books.


The Lord,s Parayer exhorts us to forgive others, even as we expect

God to forgive us.

" Forgive us our trepasses, as we forgive those who trepass

against us...


When we are in pain and anguish, we are 'put of sync' as they say,

out of alignment with the source of all love and mercey. In such a

state, our impulse is to hurt, hit out at the other person, inflict

on him the pain that he has given to us. Thus, pain and hurt become

a vicious cycle in our lives.


Such negative situation can be overcome only through the healing

power of God's love. And so, I urge my friends to turn to God with

this prayer. ' O GOD, help me to forget this hurt, so that it does

not enter into my heart, and becomes festering wound. "


God's grace turns your negative, destructive emotions into love.

While you cannot control another person's attitude to you or his

emotions for you can choose your own attitude. You can choose what

you want to experience.


When we strengthen our connections with God, we cannot ourselves to

His infinite mercey and compassion. Some of it will surely flow into

our our hearts and we will be able to extend compassion, forgiveness

and understanding to those who have wronged us.


It is natural for many of us to react with anger when someone has

wringed us. We may even say, " How can I ever forgive what this

person has done to me?


My suggestion is to set your selfself...your ego...aside and allow

God's forgiveness to flow through you. Forgive for His sake. Let His

forginess flow through you!


When you allow youeself to become the instrument of God's love and

forgiveness, your inner life is transformed. Your heart softens and

is cleansed of all negative emotions you harboured earlier. There is

a tremendous sense of release, as you are freed from the destructive

effects of anger, hatered, restment and bitterness.


You cannot obtain release from these destructive emotions on your

own. It is God who can show you the way, teach you to forgive others

even as He forgives you.


(Sharing with Love)


Ram Chugani

Kobe, Japan


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