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Pujya Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

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How to Develop Love and Devotion for God


Question: In discourses you have given great importance to love and

devotion for God. You have said that there is nothing greater than

having love and devotion for God and when this happens, everything

will be set right. So, how does one develop love and devotion ?


Swamiji: When attachment from the world leaves you, love and

devotion for God happens naturally.


Question: How does one remove attachment from the world ?

Swamiji: When there is love for God, both these happen 1) continue

to get rid of attachment from the world and 2) continue to increase

the love and devotion for God.


Question: What should we do first ?

Swamiji: First increase the love and devotion for God. Just like

during Ramayan recitation, if you engage your mind and with

concentration and understanding the meaning, then mind is greatly

purified. Attachment within is wiped out on it's own and devotion

for God is awakened. There is amazing joy and relish in this. In the

beginning sometimes a man may feel bored, but when he starts getting

deeply into it and experiences the nectar, he is no longer

uninterested. See for yourself. Also , read the lives of devotees

and saints who are freed from the bondage of the world. There is

immense gain in this as such readings penetrate the heart. And when

love is awakened within, then attachment and worldly desires will

naturally drop off. You will be greatly benefited. Attachment can

also be removed through knowledge and inquiry, but love works



Purity of the mind is very essential. When mind is purified, then

all the agitations of the mind will very easily disappear. When the

mind is pure, it is easy to engage in anything.


God dislikes falsehood, fraud and fault-finding. But we are totally

fearless in continuing on this path. We continue to commit such

sins, often even intentionally. Then how can the mind engage in

God ? You are increasing the sickness with your own doing. The

attachment that is there for falsehood, fraud etc. is very

dangerous. These flaws are very deeply rooted in the core of the

heart. There is great importance that we have given to material

things. This is a great obstacle to God Realization. To remove such

attachment it is essential to have association with the good and

study of the scriptures. There is immense benefit in satsang which

will help increase the love and devotion for God.

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