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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 21-2007 from Saidarbar.

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Fifth Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 21/2007





You can read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT












Sairam. You can watch Live Web casting from Shirdi Sai Samadhi Mandir

from following Link:























Compiled by:

Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.



Shirdi Sai’s Philosophy in the words of Saibanisaji


In my opinion


Human desires are endless. It is like the thirst of a man who drinks salt

water; he gets no satisfaction and his thirst is only increased.


There are three kinds of people in the world.


The first are those who are like letters carved in rock; they easily give

way to anger and retain their angry thoughts for a long time.


The second are those who are like letters written in sand. They give way

to anger also, but their angry thoughts quickly pass away.


The third is those who are like letters written in running water; they do

not retain their passing thoughts; they let abuse and uncomfortable gossip pass

by unnoticed; their minds are always pure and undisturbed.----Saibanisa



Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu


To be continued…




October 1, 1918: Baba asked a devotee by name Waze to read ' RamaVijay'

(by Shridhar Swami) and listened to it for 14 days.


October 8, 1918: A tiger met its death at the feet and presence of Sai

Baba and was emancipated.


October 15, Tuesday 1918: On Vijaya Dashmi, Saibaba left His mortal coil

at about 2:30 p.m. Few minutes before, He gave Rs.9/- as charity to Laxmibai



October 16, Wednesday 1918: Early morning Baba appeared to Das Ganu at

Pandharpur in dream and said " The Dwarakamai has collapsed and all the oilmen

and grocers have troubled Me a lot. So I am leaving the place. Go there quickly

and cover My body copiously with flowers " .


October 16, Wednesday 1918: Early morning Baba appeared to Laxman Mama in

dream and said, " Get up quickly, Bapusaheb Jog thinks that I am dead and he

won't come, so you do My worship and Kakada Arati " .





These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSaji From our

beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that this feature will

help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and

presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.






Yesterday, Sai appeared in the form of saint and shown me with results of

being lustful in life-


It is legitimate to eagerly wait for the monthly salary while working

hard, but not in good taste to step sideways to make more money.


It is perfectly right to look for sex in marriage but seeking sex outside

marriage amounts to sin.


Lust should be confined only to the legitimate partner.




Yesterday, Sai has shown me few personalities leading the life of

arrogance and cautioned me not to toe their lines.


-A person ill-treating the parents blinded by his position in society.


-A rich one looking low and ignoring his kith and kin.


-Bridegroom’s party subjecting the bride’s side to humiliation.


-Disrespecting the teachers.


Shun the path of arrogance.




Yesterday, Sai has shown me a leper. He was in his past life leading the

life of a jealous person as follows:


- He was rich and well to do person, but leading solitary life. On the

other hand there was a poor person, earned good name, fame and commanded

respect in society. This factor has lead to intolerance in the rich person who

suffered both mentally as well as physically. He died with that background and

is reborn in the next life to lead the life of a Leper. So avoid being jealous.


Jealousy leads to intolerance and often wrecks the mind and health.


To be continued…..



(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)



" Shashi " : shashi_31


30. Efficacy of Prayer and Worship


For the Gruhasta, the best way is the Bhakti Marga, the path of devotion

to God. The name of God is like the beaten track that leads a man, lost in the

woods, out of it. Let us adopt the Bhakti Marga and leave everything to God.

Let us sing His praises and lose ourselves in His glory and beauty. Let us tell

Him: “Oh God. I am a mere blundering mortal. I do not know what is right or

wrong. No matter how I act, my actions are bound to be imperfect because it is

perforce incomplete, partial and fragmented. I surrender myself to you. I know

only one thing and that is that you know what is best for me. You be my guide

and take me unto You”.

Sincere devotion to God is all that is needed. In fullness of time, God

gives us everything, taking care of us as a mother would take care of her

child. If the mind still wavers, we should recite Sri Sai’s stotra and do Japa

and Nama Sankeertana and through Satsang steady our mind.

When we pray, we surrender ourselves whole and entirely to God’s

dispensation. ‘Thy will be Done’, we tell Him. It is a willing confession of

our helplessness and seeking refuge in Him. We call it ‘Saranagati’.

But the surrender to God doesn’t obviate human effort. We must do our

duty even while we make this surrender. The fact of surrender merely means that

we should not think about fruits of our actions and leave them to God only.

Such dedicatory action is true prayer. God likes the person who does his duty

and not him who merely utter’s God’s name in prayer with his lips, and without

doing his duty. It is in this sense, that work is worship. The technique of

individual prayer is silence. It effects direct communion with God.

To be continued…..



October 15, Tuesday 1918: On Vijaya Dashmi, Saibaba left His mortal coil

at about 2:30 p.m. Few minutes before, He gave Rs.9/- as charity to Laxmibai


The readers up till now heard the stories of Baba's life. Let them now

hear attentively Baba's Passing away. Baba got a slight attack of fever on 28th

September, 1918. The fever lasted for 2 or 3 days, but afterwards Baba gave up

his food and thereby He grew weaker and weaker. On the 17th day, i.e., Tuesday,

the 15th October 1918, Baba left His mortal coil at about 2-30 p.m. (Vide

Professor G.G. Narke's letter, dated 5th November 1918, to Dadasaheb Khaparde,

published in Leelamagazine, Page 78, first year).


Two years before this, i.e., in 1916, Baba gave an indication of His

Passing away, but nobody understood it then. It was as follows: - On the

Vijayadashmi (Dasara) day Baba at once got into wild rage in the evening when

people were returning from 'Seemollanghan' (crossing the border or limits of

the village). Taking off His head-dress, kafni and langota etc., He tore them

and threw them in the Dhuni before Him. Fed by this offering, the fire in the

Dhuni began to burn brighter and Baba shone still brighter. He stood there

stark naked and with His burning red eyes shouted - fellows, now have a look

and decide finally whether I am a Moslem or a Hindu. Everybody was trembling

with fear and none dared to approach Baba. After some time Bhagoji Shinde, the

leper devotee of Baba, went boldly near Him and succeeded in tying a langota

(waist-band) round His waist and said - what is all this? Today is the

Seemollanghan, i.e., Dasara Holiday.Baba striking the ground

with His satka said - is my Seemollanghan (crossing the border).Baba did not

cool down till 11-00 p.m. and the people doubted whether the chavadi procession

would ever take place that night. After an hour Baba resumed His normal

condition and dressing Himself as usual attended the chavadi procession as

described before. By this incident Baba gave a suggestion that Dasara was the

proper time for Him to cross the border of life, but none understood its


Dasara or Vijayadashami is regarded by all the Hindus as the most

auspicious time and it is befitting that Baba should choose this time for His

crossing the border-line. He was ailing some days before this, but He was ever

conscious internally. Just before the last movement He sat up erect without

anybody's aid, and looked better. People thought that the danger had passed off

and He was getting well. He knew that He was to pass away soon and therefore,

He wanted to give some money as charity to Laxmibai Shinde.

Being so watchful and conscious, Baba also took other precautions in His

last moment. In order that He should not be embroiled or entangled with love

and affection for His devotees, He ordered them all to clear off. Kakasaheb

Dixit, Bapusaheb Booty and others were in the Dwarakamayi anxiously waiting

upon Baba, but He asked them to go to the Wada and return after meals. They

could not leave Baba's presence, nor could they disobey Him. So with heavy

hearts and heavy feet they went to the Wada. They knew that Baba's case was

very serious and that they could not forget Him. They sat for meals, but their

mind was elsewhere, it was with Baba. Before they finished, news came to them

of Baba's leaving the mortal coil. Leaving their dishes, they ran to the

Dwarakamayi and found that Baba rested finally on Bayaji's lap. He did not fall

down on the ground nor did He lie on His bed, but sitting quietly on His seat

and doing charity with His own hand threw off the

mortal coil. Saints embody themselves and come into this world with a definite

mission and after that is fulfilled they pass away as quietly and easily as

they came.


" Shirdi Sai Baba " technical

Tue, October 2, 2007 6:23 pm


SaiDarbar USA - Annual Day 2007 - Invitation.


Jai Sai Ram

Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah – Om Shri Saraswatyai Namaha – Om Shri Sai

Nathaya Namaha


With the blessings of Lord Shri Sai Nath, SaiDarbarUSA.org is completing

its fourth year and cordially invites you with family and interested friends

for its Annual Day Celebrations at Chinmaya Mission - Kedar

560 Bridgetown Pike, Langhorne, PA 19053


On 20th October, 2007 at 01:30 pm



Bow to Shri Sai and Peace be to all.










Sun, September 30, 2007 1:37 pm

In 1996 November, we got married and applied for our green card through my

husband's company. That time process was really slow. Suddenly our date became

current in 1998 and we were ready to apply, date moved back. We were really

disappointed but doing our regular puja and I used to pray to SaiBaba and had

faith that Baba will take care of it.

On 15th January, 1999 I got letter that current company lawyer won't be

handling our case anymore. I was shocked, it was Friday 5:30pm when Lawyer

Office was closed, my husband had gone to Colorado for his company work and I

didn't want to tell my husband about it when he is so faraway from home. We

used to check our date on regular basis and that week on Monday or Tuesday we

checked and our green card was not approved. Now Lawyer will not proceed so

everything was going wrong. But I had faith in SaiBaba took the letter and

started praying to Baba. After I finished my prayers I tried to see Baba with

my eyes closed and Baba told me to go and check date, I was saying in my mind

it wasn't current but since Baba said I took the phone and called the number. I

couldn't believe my ears our date was approved for green card. So I had news

for my husband one good and one bad.

My husband came home and I told him about it. He was shocked why Lawyer

terminated his case. He didn't want to ask his company so he decided to ask the

lawyer directly. But lawyer office was closed on Monday due to President's day

so we waited till Tuesday. Lawyer said company didn't want him to do green card

as company's owner thought my husband will find better job once he gets his

green card. But we told Lawyer our situation and long wait. He agreed to help

us with SaiBaba’s grace and we went for our interview on 20th of January and we

got green card. This all was possible just because of Saibaba's grace.

Peace to all. Om Shree Sainathayai namaha.

Sai Devotee













Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.





Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar

should be entertained with good stories. Now I want to tell the stories what

heard in my child hood.


The Heron, Serpent and the Mongoose


Once upon a time there lived a group of herons on a banyan tree. In the

hollow trunk of the tree dwelt a black serpent that ate the young herons before

they grew. Out of sorrow the heron, approached the crab.


The crab heard of the serpent and then thought to itself, “The heron is

also the natural enemy of our race. So I need a scheme to get rid of all of

them " . So he advised the heron to throw fish bits all the way from the house of

the mongoose to the tree where it lived.


The heron did as told and the mongoose following the trail of the fish

came and ate the serpent and at the same time crept up the tree and ate all the

herons too.


MORAL: Don't listen to the advice of your natural enemy.







On 9/21/07



Sai Ram. We will now, with His grace, take up Chapter 25 of His

Satcharitra. Sai Ram.


SSS: Damu Anna Kasar of Ahmednagar - (1) Speculations - (2) Amra-Leela


Damu Anna


The readers are aware that a mention of this gentleman was made in the

6th Chapter, regarding the celebration of Rama-Navami festival in Shirdi. He

went to Shirdi about the year 1895, when the Rama-Navami Utsava-celebration

began and from that time he has been providing an ornamental flag for that

occasion every year. He also feeds the poor and the fakirs that come there for

the festival.


SSG: Sai Ram. He was indeed a lucky man to be able to go to Shirdi for so

many years and thus get developed spiritually. Sai Ram.


SSS: His Speculations: (1) Cotton

A Bombay friend of Damu Anna wrote to him, that they should do some

cotton-speculation business in partnership which would bring them about two

lacs of rupees as profit. (Damu Anna says in his statement made about the year

1936 to Mr. B.V.Narasimha Swami that the proposal about speculating at Bombay

in cotton was from a broker who was not to be a partner, and that he (Damu

Anna) was to be the sole adventurer: - vide P.75 of the Devotees' Experiences

Part II). The broker wrote that the business was good and involved no risks and

that the opportunity should not be lost. Damu Anna was oscillating in his mind.


SSG: Sai Ram. That he could not make up his mind was indeed due to the

grace of Baba. Otherwise, he would have gone ahead and lost a lot of money as

we shall see shortly. Sai Ram.


SSS: He could not at once determine to venture in the speculation. He

thought about this and as he was a devotee of Baba, he wrote a detailed letter

to Shama giving all the facts and requested him to consult Baba and take His

advice in the matter.


SSG: An excellent idea and Damu Anna was indeed fortunate and he showed

an important characteristic of a devotee, viz., Sraddha, faith, faith that the

Sadguru will guide us and show us the way. Sai Ram.


SSS: Shama got the letter next day and when he came with it at noon to

the Dwarakamayi and placed it before Baba. He asked Shama what the matter was,

and what the paper (letter) was about. He replied that Damu Anna of Nagar

wanted to consult Him about something. Then Baba said - " What does he write,

and what does he plan? It seems that he wants to catch the sky and that he is

not content with what God has given him; read his letter " . Shama than said,

" The letter contains what you have just said now. Oh, Deva you sit here calm

and composed and agitate the devotees and when they get restless, you draw them

here, some in person and others through letters. If you know the contents of

the latter, why do you then press me to read it? " Baba said - " Oh Shama, read

it please. I speak at random and who believes Me. "



Author, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book Reviewer






" saikalaadla " saikalaadla

Sun, 15 Jul 2007 02:50:18 -0000


Aum Sairam

A true disciple is one whose mind is always fixed on the feet of the Lord

wherever he is placed. A person can never be termed as a devotee if he is

wearing a saffron robe or counts beads constantly if his mind is attached to

materialistic things. The application of vibhuti on forehead or loud repetition

of God's name or keeping this scripture nearly is no sign of a disciple.

When one comes in the refuge of the great Guru of the time, one learns

about the ways and means of combating the various obstacles at every step and

is thus saved from the onslaught of the mind. The path then becomes very simple

and the seeker forges ahead dauntlessly. The Guru then takes his devoted seeker

to the journey of the soul after initiating him. Devotee should have some

Sentiments within him.

Some of the sentiments or what we can term them as best qualities are

Acceptance – Faith - Complete Surrender - Constant Remembrance - Unbroken

Love and Devotion

However, to strengthen these five best qualities or sentiments Gurus out

of limitless mercy and grace has prescribed five rules, which are important for

every Devotee. Whosoever follows these five principles definitely evokes his

grace in abundance.

Five Rules are

Prayers and Worship - Selfless Services - True Association – Meditation -

Divine Vision

Only by devotion to guru can the mind be cleaned and purified and made to

only by devotion to Guru can the mind be cleaned and purified and made to

behold the radiance of the lord, who is perfectly pure and spotless. Blessed is

he who finds a perfect spiritual guru and receiving initiation from him,

follows his instructions with unquestioning faith. God appears with full

radiance in such a devoted soul, and enlightening his entire life and hereby

taking devotee to his life's destination salvation.




Saidarbar Chennai " saidarbarchennai

Wed, 3 Oct 2007 03:10:01 +0100 (BST)


Dear Sai Sevak Badri Narasimmanji,

Congratulations on Saidarbar's completion of fourth year in USA. This is

indeed a delightful moment to see this mail as the first mail in the morning

today (Chennai). We wish all the best for Saidarbar's function on 20th October

2007. And our heartful wishes for Saidarbar USA to grow and flourish in the


Sai Bandhus,

Chennai Saidarbar Team.


murali koneru " muraliraja1919

Thu, 4 Oct 2007 06:25:08 +0100 (BST)


Sairam to All Saibandhus,


I just want say Hello to all and Best wishes. I, just thank Respected

Saibanisa Ravada Uncle & other Saidarbar members for their continuing support

to me and to htttp://www.omsrisai.net


With Inspiration of Baba & with co-operation of Sai Devotees in USA & INDIA,

We have started Non-Profit Online Store for Distribution of Sai Satcharita.

Baba Always encouraged good thoughts. Although I am not in good financial

position, to start this project, he used me for Base for this project and Sent

Many Devotees for volunteer contributions in form of Books, Money. Please check

my new project in Spreading Baba's Messages:


A Small Tribute from His Little Devotees.


We need all your support & wishes, which we feel them are Blessings from

BABA. Also please remember me, if you need any I.T Related Matters.


Also you can download and listen to Saibanisa's Telugu Disclosures:




" Murali Krishnamurthy " murali_krishnamurthy2003

Wed, 3 Oct 2007 07:28:09 -0700 (PDT)


Sai Ram.

Dear Sai Bandhus,

We pray Lord Sainath for his blessings for all the Saidarbars to continue

preaching peace in the world.


Saidarbar Laurel, MD USA is completing Two years also this month

October 2007. We started October 2005 with the able guidance of Uncle



Congrats to Shri. Badri and other Sai bandhus from all of us in Laurel,

Virginia and Tri-State DC area.


Sai Sevak

Murali Krishnamurthy

Saidarbar Laurel, MD USA


Saidarbar Chennai " saidarbarchennai

Wed, 3 Oct 2007 17:25:52 +0100 (BST)


Dear Sai Bandhu Murali Krishnamurthyji,


We feel really happy that the divine light is carried on in USA soil. We

also feel great about our brothers like you of your wonderful service!

Congratulations on completing two years of Sai service! Our heartfelt wishes to

carry the service and celebrate better and better in coming years! By the way,

the baby Saidarbar Chennai is completing four and a half years this October!

Will send the celebration details soon!

All the Best!

Saidarbar Chennai Team!



" Shirdi Sai Baba " technical

Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:41:07 -0700


Jai Sai Ram.

Wonderful indeed. Greetings from SaiDarbarUSA - Greater Philadelphia

Sevaks and Sevikas.

Best Wishes to All the members of SaiDarbar - MD (Tri-State).

If Baba wishes, we will make Northeast Sai Utsav in the near future.

Bow to Shri Sai and Peace be to all.





Response for “The Glory of Shirdi Sai” E- Magazine in the 3d page turning




On 10/5/07



You are taking each devotee nearer to BABA. Your efforts are excellent.




On 9/13/07

Dear Sairam,

When I clicked on eZine link in the e-mail of latest issue on Ganesh

Chathurthi special, it still opens old Krishna Janmastami special issue. Is it

something like, eZine is update only once in a month or some internet cookies



Thanks and Regards,



Response by Saidarbar team:


On 9/13/07

Sairam Sampathji,

We alternate the e-mail and the 3d Page turning eMagazine on the alternate

weeks. So issue 19 Ganesh Chaturthi special is out in e-mail this week, and

will be available in 3D format next week. We send a mail on alternate weeks

when the 3d issue is available.


Hope that explains.





On 9/13/07


Respected Sir,


Jai Sai Ram.


I have received your magazine through mail, I am very happy that I got details

of Shri Sainaath Maharaj ji through your site.


Thank you.


With Regards,

Sai Devotee,

R. Thenmozhi


Response by Saidarbar team:


On 9/13/07


SaiSatcharita is available in many languages at:






You can read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT in web page





Please visit:



Please visit for Sai Aaratis Audio:





Please contact: saidarbar






Title: Sai Baba - His Divine Glimpses

Author: V. B. Kher

Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd, L-10 Green Park Extn

New Delhi - 110 016

Email: ghai


Title: Shri Sai Baba

Author: V. B. Kher

Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd, L-10 Green Park Extn

New Delhi - 110 016

Email: ghai


Title: Sai Baba of Shirdi - A Unique Saint

Author: M. V. Kamath & V. B. Kher

Jaico Publishing House, 121 Mahatma Gandhi Road

Mumbai- 400 023


Please Note:

Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the word

about their books may send ONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar, for details



Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by E-mail only.

Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained by Saidarbar and cannot be





Things impressed me from this magazine:


Sincere devotion to God is all that is needed. In fullness of time, God

gives us everything, taking care of us as a mother would take care of her child


The fact of surrender merely means that we should not think about fruits

of our actions and leave them to God only. Such dedicatory action is true



Saints embody themselves and come into this world with a definite mission

and after that is fulfilled they pass away as quietly and easily as they came.


Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place, essays,

articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " – they may be address

their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of Shirdi Sai-


Bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the articles instructs, not

to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as a matter of routine



You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative by

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If you are subscribing this E-magazine for your friend or a relative, we

request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving the same.


Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the articles



This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by:

Sai Sevak Srinivasa Rao Kasturi.



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