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Nama Article-15-10-07

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Dear Members,


2. Excerpts from a discourse by Sri Sri Swamiji


In Kali yuga it is not possible for people to do any

hard sadhana. It is only out of compassion that this

'Bhagavan Nãma Mantra has been blessed to all.


Once a Vaishnava devotee came visiting Bhagavãn Yogi

Ram Surat Kumar.


He asked Bhagavãn, " Are you an Advaiti or a

Visishtadwaiti? "


Bhagavãn questioned back, " Who was the founder of

Advaita and who was the founder of Visishtadwaita? "

The devotee said, " Adi Sankara and Ramanuja "


Bhagavãn shot back, " Do you mean to say that there was

no Advaita before Adi Sankara and no Visishitadwaita

before Ramanuja? " (!)


The devotee blinked!


Bhagavãn continued, " Where do Advaita and

Visishtadwaita differ? "


He could not answer.


Bhagavãn, " Do you know 'Vadagalai' and 'Thengalai'

'sampradãya (traditions)? "


The man remained silent, as he did not know the

answer. It was the same to all the other questions

regarding the founders of the above 'sampradãya' and

several other questions shot at him by Yogi.


Yogi then said to him, " Advaita and Visishtadwaita are

for my Masters like Ramana Maharishi and Papa Ramadas.

For you and for this beggar (Pointing at him) Rama Nãm

is enough. Get out! "


Let’s Chant


“Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare”


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Spirituality, Mental peace or problems in life or

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questions for you and suggests prayers.








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