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Sri Chitambara Swamy of Penakacherla

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The " Bharata varsha " (India) is a holy land as such it is called PUNYA

BHUMI. The Holy Bhagavatgeeta raised from this land by the GOD Himself.

Several Rushis and Tapaswins were born in this land and distributed

GOD'S grace throughout the world. Some of them shown miracles to

attract the common man with an intenson to divert them from this world

into the holy path. Even today we may find them in nook and corner

places of this holy land. Several Mahatmans blessed common people by

their merciful actions so as those may reach the eternal goal without

much difficulty and without taking several births. The history of those

great persons is also capable to create interest in to the eternal

goal. Here is a story of SIDHHA PURUSHA by whoose mercy several

devotees were benifitted. The name of the holy man is CHITAMBARA SWAMY

of south India.


" Sir Thomos Manro " was the administrater of 'Dattamandalam'

in south India which includes Anantapur District under the British

Administration. As a District Collector he went a village named

as 'Singanamala' in Anantapur District. There is a big tank under which

several acers are cultivated with the water available from it. The

collector observed that several lands were under brahmins name. He

asked for the reason. The brahmins replied that those lands were

allotted to their forfathers by the then rulers as they were

performing " Yagnas and Homas " for plesing GODS as such the rains shall

come timely. As such there shll be no draught. After hearing the same

the collector asked them about the then prevailing draught situation.

The Brhmins replied that they are not performing Yagnas and Homas due

to non availibility of necessary funds to perform.


Then the Distict Collector sanctiond Rs.2000 / - on the spot and

ordered them to perform Yagas etc., and ordered them to see that the

rain must be in seven days without fail. Accordingly the Brahmins

performed Yagas, Homas and Bhajans etc. for sufficiant rain fall. But

there efforts are all invain and no cloud was became visable.


In that village Sri Chatmabara swamy was residing and already earned a

good name as MAHATMA. As such our brahmin leaders went to him and

explaind the situation with a request to protect them from the district

collector. In the meanwhile Sir Thomos Manro came again to that

village and asked about the failure of Yagas etc., Sri Chitambara swamy

simply asked the collector to go back to Anantapur failing which he may

not be in a positon to go back to District headquarters due to over

flow of the water from the village tank . With an intension to test the

reality in the words of our swamy he returned back. After crossing the

premises of water tank he wondered to observe the village tank became

full of water with heavy rain within a short period of one and half

hour. By this incindent he became a deciple of our swamy and

occatinally visited him for his blessings.


Sri Chitambara swamy was taken birth in a Brahmin family. He was a

SROTRIYA BRHMA NISTHA (always concentrating on HIM). Although he was a

brahmin he is in a habbit of treating every one equal without any

difference irrrespective of their caste etc., Since from his child hood

he shown several miracls.


At the age of three he rendered 'Amara kosa Nighantu' without any

assistance. At the age of five he wrote poetry of his own. At the age

of sixteen he delivered lecters of 'vedanta'. He was married at the age

of 21 years.


Once he went to a vysya devotee's house at their request and taken

meals there. By his action his father became furios and expelled him

from his house. Accordingly all other brhmins of that village are also

expelled him from their commumnity. Once a feast was organised by

brahmins in their community. With a fear that our swamy's visit to that

feast all of them kept our swamy in a room and locked it. When the

feast is in full swing our swamy appeared before them. When they opend

the room where our swamy was kept, our swamy appeared there also with a

smile.By this incident all are recognised him as a sidhha purusha and



A muslim lady was prasing our swamy with devotion. In her mind she

prayed him to bless her with children. One day our swamy was crossing

the road in front of her house. Incidentally the muslim devotee also

came out of her house with some work. Immediatly after seeing her our

swamy catch her left breast and twisted the nipple. All her relatives

saw the incident and became furious. As a result all of them caught

hold of our swamy and beaten him well. Without satisfing by their

action they put our swamy into a deep wel in the sand of pinakini river

and covered it thouroughly. After three days they came back to dig out

our swamy dead body from the wel. While they opend the sand our swamy

came out from the wel with a smile. The culprits ran away with fear by

this incident. Incidentally that muslim devotee was died on that day

itself by a snake byte. Our swamy directly went to that house and again

twisted the left breast nipple of that lady who died. By this action of

our swamy the snake poision was came out from that nipple of left

breast of that lady and she became alive. After that she got children

and her relatives are became the deciple of our swamy.


(to be continued)






08554 255680

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