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Pujya Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

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God's Devotees are Freed from Sorrow


When a fisherman throws his net in the river, then all those fishes

that come inside the net are caught, however those fishes that stay

very close to the fisherman's feet are not caught. Similarly getting

entangled and attaching to God's illusory creation (the World), this

Embodied Soul (jeev) is caught and trapped in bondage, but those

Souls that take refuge at the Lotus Feet of God, they cross over His

illusory power - " Maameva ye prapadhyante mayaametaam taranti te. "

(Gita 7:14).


From this illustration, the point to understand is that the

fisherman has the intention of catching the fish, whereas God does

not have the least bit of desire to entangle this Soul in Maya (His

illusory powers). God's primary intention, His desire is to release

this Soul from worldly bondages, and to bring it under His own

protection. It is with this intent that God says - " Maamekam

sharanam vraja. " It is the embodied Soul, of it's own will gets

entangled and bonded in the illusory World, due to it's own craving

and longing for contact born pleasure.


Just like wheat poured in a grindstone gets crushed and ground, but

the wheat that remains right around the center rod (the central

pole, dependent on which the entire grindstone is revolving), those

grains of wheat remain just as they are, untouched and unaffected.

Similarly in this grindstone of birth and death cycle, all the

embodied Souls get ground up, rather they experience sorrow; but

those that have taken refuge in God, the sole supporter of all the

Souls, they are saved from being crushed and ground. " Koyi Harijan

ubare keel maakadi paas. " Even this illustration is not quite

complete; because the wheat grain by their very nature tend to

remain near the center. They do not try to do anything to save

themselves. The embodied Soul, in spite of being a part of God,

considers this world as it's very own, or desires something from

this world, and he himself gets entangled in this birth and death

cycle and experiences sorrow. Whereas God's devotees, detaching

themselves from the world, take shelter at the Lotus feet of the

Lord and are freed from all sorrows and worries.

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