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Pujya Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

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The Essence of Perfection is Called God


Question: The ocean, the earth, the moon etc. it is born and

operating under an eternal order through the divine force

of " Nature " (Prakruti). Everything happening, is only through the

living force of Nature (Prakriti). Rather why must we believe God to

be the power behind this eternal order and this creation?


A man who believes in the English language, he will make an effort

to learn it; he will try to study it and in due time he will learn

the language. But that man who does not believe in the English

language at all, why would he even attempt to learn it? Just like if

a telegram arrives written in the English language, then one who

understands the English language upon reading it, will come to know

that a certain individual is very ill. On going to visit the person,

he will understand that the message was true, and that the man is

certainly very ill. Rather, at first he had to believe that there is

such a thing as the English language, and therefore whatever was

written in the telegram was true. It is the same with those that are

engaged in God with a simple and true heart. One can see something

extra ordinary in them, as compared to those who do not believe in

God. There is peace in their association, in their words of wisdom.

Not just human beings, but also animals and birds, feel at ease and

at peace in their presence. And compared to others, there is

something special, something divine about those that have attained

God Realization. If there is no such thing as God, then where did

that divinity, that special illumination come from? Therefore one

will have to believe that there is God.


Human beings at large, experience a void, a feeling of

incompleteness within themselves. If there was no such thing to

satisfy this feeling of incompleteness, then this feeling would not

arise in man. Just like when a man is hungry, then it is a proof

that there is something to satisfy that hunger. Rather, if there was

no such thing as food, then a man would not experience hunger.

Similarly the fact that we feel thirsty is proof that there is

something that exists to quench that thirst. If there was no such

thing to quench the thirst, then man would not be thirsty. Similarly

the fact that a man experiences a feeling of incompleteness within,

is obvious proof that there exists the essence of perfection. That

essence of perfection itself is called as God.

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