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Swami Vivekananda

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1. All power is within you, you can do anything and everything.

Believe in that, do not believe that you are weak .... You can do

anything and everything, without even the guidance of any one. All

power is there. Stand up and express the divinity within you ....

Arise, Awake, Sleep no more. Within reach of you there is the power

of remove all wants and all miseries. Believe in this, and that

power will be manifested.

2. On this basis -- being right and doing right -- the whole world

can unite.

3. All expansion is life, all contractiono is death. All love is

expansaion, all selfishness is contraction. Love is therefore the

only law of life. He who loves lives, he who is selfish is dying.

Therefore love for love's sake, because it is the only law of life,

just as you breathe to live.

4. The Christian is not to become a Hindu or a Buddhist, nor a Hindu

or a Buddhist to become a Christian. But each must assimilate the

spirit of the otehrs and yet presere his individuality and grow

according to his own law of growth.

5. Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life -- think of it,

dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves,

every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every

other idea alone. This is the way to success.

6. Rouse yourselves, therefore, for life is short. There are greater

works to be done than aspiring to become lawyers, and picking

quarrerls, and such things. A far greater work is this sacrifice of

yourselves for the benefit of your race, for the welfare of humanity.

7. ... good motives, sincerity, and infinite love can conquer the

world. One singl esoul possessed of these virtues can destroy the

dark designs of millions of hypocrites and brutes:

8. Our duty is to encourage everyone in his struggle to live up to

his own highest ideal, and strive at the same time to make the ideal

as near as possible to the truth.

9. Man is like an infinite spring, coiled up in a small box, and

that spring is trying to unfold itself; and all the social phenomena

that we see are the result of this trying to unfold.

10. Teach the masses in the vernaculars, give them ideas; they will

get information, but something more is necessary; give them culture.

Until you give them that, there can be no permanence in the raised

condition of the masses.



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