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Professor Anil Kumar has presented this talk as an extra satsang. He

has selected important messages Baba has imparted to the students

gathered around Him during the afternoon sessions on the verandah at

Prashanti Nilayam.



" Be Careful "

October 7th, 2007



Sai Ram


With Pranams at the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan,

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


Someone has asked a question about the Vishwaswarupa darshan that

Bhagavan discussed a few days ago. Lord Krishna first gave

Vishwaswarupa darshan to Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra,

and the questioner would like me to now explain the Vishwaswarupa

darshan proposed by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba recently.


Entire creation is god's viRAT SWARUPA Only Bhagavan can explain with

any authority what He meant when He suggested that He would confer a

Vishwaswarupa darshan upon us all. We do not understand sufficiently,

as our conscious perceptions are limited to the human level. Our

trying to explain or interpret anything at a higher level would be a

mistake. Therefore, please excuse me if I do not comment on this, as

I do not understand it any more than you do.


As for explaining the concept of Vishwaswarupa as it is found in the

Bhagavad Gita, I will attempt to explain to you what I know. In the

Bhagavad Gita, only Arjuna could see the Vishwaswarupa of Lord

Krishna, and Arjuna did not see this with his physical eyes. He was

instead blessed with a special kind of sight. It was only with Jnana

netra (the eye of wisdom) that he could see the cosmic form of



The Mahabharata also speaks of an old blind king named

Dhritharashtra, to whom God granted this vision so that the king

could also have Vishwaswarupa darshan of Lord Krishna. After having

seen Lord Krishna's form, King Dhritharashtra prayed to be blinded

again because, after seeing his Lord's form, he did not want to see

anything else thereafter.


Once right here in Puttaparthi a few years ago, over in Kulwant Hall,

Bhagavan gave a Divine Discourse during the Kalasa festival in which

He discussed Virat Swarupa. During this festival, devotees come with

containers of water atop their heads and they form a procession to

worship a lingam. One lingam was kept very close to the dais and

these devotees were seated there doing their puja. Suddenly I saw

these VIPs form a queue to see the lingam and so, out of curiosity, I

joined their queue. Each of us was quite amazed to see Baba in that

Shiva lingam.


One doctor said, " Swami, we see Your Virat Swarupa in this Shiva

lingam! "


Baba looked at the doctor and said, " Do you have to look there to see

Me? Everyone is this hall is having Virat Swarupa. "


Not knowing what had been said between this doctor and Swami, I kept

looking at the Shiva lingam and ignoring Swami. He mischievously

noticed this and in the discourse He said, " Anil Kumar is interested

in seeing Swami in the Shiva lingam, when Swami Himself is right here

by his side! (Laughter) Even with Swami here by his side, he wants to

look at the Shiva lingam! "


That's what Baba said about Virat Swarupa. He said that the whole of

creation is Virat Swarupa. The Bhagavad Gita states that when Krishna

gave this vision of Virat Swarupa to Arjuna, Arjuna found the

galaxies, the solar system, the mountains, the valleys, the seven

seas and the complete cosmos in Lord Krishna. That is Virat Swarupa.


Beyond these details, I do not know anything more. You must come to

your own conclusion. What Baba meant we cannot know because His

awareness comes from a different plane altogether, one that is

spiritual and Divine. Only He can explain what He meant; only I can

tell you that this was the example that He gave at that time.


To see an object, what do you require? Sunlight is required. And to

see the Sun, what is required? Sunlight is required to see the sun as

well. When we see the sun, what we actually see is its light,

correct? To see the moon, we actually must see the moonlight from it.

So to know what Baba meant, we must refer to Swami, as only He can

explain what He meant. He is the only one who can answer these

questions for us. Light helps us to see the light; similarly, only He

can help us to understand what He meant. I personally have nothing

more to say on this matter.

Sai Ram.


Ram Chugani

Kobe, Japan


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