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Hindu Festivals No13.

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Dear friends and relatives,


Bhakti is eternal,


13. Sri Shankaracharya Jayanti


(Vaisakha sukla panchami)


The fifth day (panchami) of the waxing moon (shukla paksha) of Vaisakha is the

birtday of the great religious philosopher Shakaracharya. The unique, ineffable,

absolute reality of Brahma was Shankara’s theme. Shankara born as the only son

of Nambudri Brahmin in Kerala, who mastered Brahmopadesa at the age of five,

became a Sanyasi (ascetic) at eight. He was a disciple of Govinda Bhagavatpada.

Shankara wrote masterly commentaries on the Brahmasutras of Vyasa, eleven of

the classical Upanisads and on the Bhagvad Gita (Gita Bhasya).

In the short life span of 32 years, he achieved so much powerfully, purposeful

and indeed miraculously that centuries after his advent his birthday is

celebrated with effective teaching of his doctrine.

In Vivekachudamani (296) Shankaracharya writes, " Therefore give up the

identification with his lump of flesh, the gross body, as well as with the ego

or the subtle body, which are both imagined (because they are not in the soul

and our ignorance conjures them up through the Buddhi or determinative faculty).

Realizing thy own self, is knowledge absolute. "

(A collection)


With love and regards,







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