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Nama Article- 30-11-07

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Dear Members,


While speaking of perceiving God only through the

Shastrãs (Scriptures), we find that the Shastrãs are

limitless ('anantham') - The Vedas are four. The

'sãgai' (the various branches in the Vedas) that have

come down in Kali are very few. There are 18 Purãnãs,

several Dharma Shastrãs, thousands of Smritiis,

innumerable Upanishads - How is it possible to attain

God after learning and comprehending the essence of

all these?

No one doubts that it is Veda Vyasa who has given us

the Vedas, the Upanishads, the 18 Purãnãs, the Brahma

Sutra, etc.


What does this Veda Vyasa say in the Mahabhãrata? He

says, " I repeatedly read through all the 'Grantãs'

(Holy Texts) that I have blessed the world with

('Ãlokya sarva Shastrãni vichãrasccha punah punah!

idam ekam sunishpannam devo Naryana sadha!')


" What is the essence of all the Shastras, the Brahma

Sutra, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, etc. that I

have offered (to the world)? Worship Narayana with

Nãmasankirtan! " One cannot counter this if none other

than Veda Vyasa has declared it.


This is the reason that we find several Mahans,

incarnated in this Bharata desa, showing the path of

Nãmasankirtan to us, by vouchsafing it to be one

supported by the Shastrãs, the Dharma, as also adopted

by Mahans.


Chant the Mahãmantra


" Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare! "




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