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Analects of Swami Sivananda

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(iii) Cultivate Dispassion


26. Renunciation is a step towards the knowledge of Brahman.


27. On any day you feel non-attachment to the world (Vairagya or

dispassion), on that very day you can renounce.


28. Renunciation is the path of immortality. Worldliness is the path

that leads to death.


29. He who is dispassionate does not die. He who is passionate is as

if dead already though living.


30. Neither nakedness, nor matter hair can bestow immortality on one

who has not annihilated cravings, desires, egoism, lust and greed.


31. Treat the world as ephemeral. Do not form any attachment for

anything in this world under the false notion that it has a

permanent existence.


32. Al objects are coated with the varnish of destruction.


33. Happiness is not to be found in external objects alone, in

wealth and children, in power and postiion, in going from shop to

shop or by receiving preent after present; but real h appiness is to

be found in one's own Immortal Blissful ATman alone by practising

purity, dispassion and meditation.


34. He, who in spite of his knowledge of the non-existence of

happiness in the objects of this world, does not entangle himself in

them with his thoughts clining to them, deserves the appelation of a



35. There are many who think more of food, clothing, wrist watch,

car, rings, house, tc. They fall down into the deserted well.


36. Real and lasting happiness can be had only from God or ATman

which shines in the chambers of your heart.


37. Happiness, which is the driving motive of all human endeavours,

is not in the perishable objets of the world, but is within one's

own self.


38. Even the very little momentary pleasure you get from sensual

enjoyments is but a reflection of Armic Bliss only.


39. This mortal body is under sentence of death; nevertheless it is

the house or temple of the immortal.


40. This body is but a lump made up of bones, flesh and blood. Give

up regarding it as the 'I'. Give up also the feeling of " Meum' in

regard to wife and children.


41. Impermanence are youth, beauty, life, possessions of riches,

lordship and company with the dear ones. Covet not these things.

Realise the All-Blissful, eternal Atman.


42. This external physical show with its meaningless hurry-burry is

a pssing one.


43. Fix your heart on dispassion and dispassion alone. Engage

yourself in the practice of devotion to God.

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