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Pujya Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

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God has said two things in the Gita regarding " Sharanagati "

i.e. " Taking Refuge in God "


(1) " Maamekum Sharanam vraja (Gita 18:66) - With exclusive devotion

and inner expression take refuge in Me and Me alone and


(2) " Sa sarvidbhajati maam sarvabhaavene bharat, " (Gita 15:19) -

That Omniscient One, worships Me, " " Tameva sharanam gacch

sarvabhaaven bharat, " (Gita 18:62) " with complete feeling, intention

surrender to God "


Then the question arises as to how are we to surrender to God?

Simple! Surrender to only God! That is, your site should not be on

the qualities, glories of God, but with complete feeling, expression

only surrendered to God and dependent on only Him, and along with

that do not have any other worldly or personal desires.


The secret of exclusively surrendering to God is that the devotees

does not pay any attention to God's infinite qualities, radiance,

supreme essence, secret, greatness, divine play, name, place of

abode, infinite glories, sweetness, love, beauty etc. His inner

feeling and expression is one of " I am God's " and " Only God is my

very own " If he surrenders to the Lord, with a focus on all the

infinite qualities, then in reality he is surrendered only to the

qualities and radiance etc, not to God.


However, one must not misunderstand what this means.

Misunderstanding is, that one is not to believe that there is

nothing more to be done regarding worship, listening to the glories

of God, visiting holy places etc. This is a misunderstanding and a

grave mistake.


Becoming only God's means - Only God is mine, therefore if He is

glorious and all those things then well and good, but if He is not

then too it is alright as He is my very own. By not paying attention

to God's qualities and glories, it does not mean that the impact of

the qualities and glories will go away, but by not being concerned

about it, is true surrender

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