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26. `Let Me now get back to the subject of Gunas and fill in with a

few details I have not covered earlier. I shall explain, with

examples, how Gunas colour what people feel and do.'

27. `Let Me start with food. As you know, some people live to eat

while others eat to live. The Sattvic person is basically of the

latter type. He is extremely careful about his food habits.'

28. `To start with, a Sattvic person does not eat anything and

everything. He eats only that which is healthy for the body. Not for

him the popular junk foods!'

29. `Next, he is very careful about cleanliness. Not only does he

insist on the food itself being clean, but also his body. Thus, he

would not eat without bathing, and would further take care to wash

his hands and mouth before starting to eat.'

30. `The Sattivic person would eat only at regular times, and in

perfect moderation. No overeating for him. Further, before eating,

he would reverentially offer the food to God, and while eating he

would remain silent, thinking about God.'

31. `The Rajasic person is very different in his food habits.

Addicted as he is to the pleasures of the world, he lets his tongue

dictate his choice of food. He eats like a gourmet but pays for it

all in the end! He does sometimes realise his mistake but by then it

is too late!'

32. `The Tamasic person is even worse. He is ready to eat anything

and everything, and one shudders even to mention the kind of stuff

he eats! Fool that he is, he doesn't even bother to check if the

food that he eats is adulterated or not.'

33. `Let Me now turn to the different attitudes that people have to

Yajna (sacrifice). The Sattvic person performs Yajna mainly to

invoke the blessings of God on one and all, which is very


34. `The Rajasic person performs Yajna both for show and to demand

benefits from God. He almost considers the Yajna to be a business

deal – " God I perform the Yajna and therefore You give me this and

that! " '

35. `The Tamasic person sinks even lower, getting even the

procedures all wrong! As if this is not enough, he dares to makes

evil demands on God! That is to say, he tries to convert Yajna into


36. `Next, I shall discuss the attitude of the three types to

austerity. Austerity, as you know, is a kind of strict discipline,

both mental and physical, aimed at internal purification, that is,

purification of the Mind and the senses. Austerity covers all

aspects – thought, word, and deed.'

37. `Let me start with fasting, a common type of austerity. In

accordance with the command of the scriptures, the Sattvic person

not only fasts but also chants the Name of God all the time. This

way, his stomach not only gets some rest – by the way, it is a good

idea to give some occasional rest to the stomach! – but by chanting

the Name the man also sanctifies the act of fasting.'

38. `Some Rajasic people also fast but all the time their mind is on

when the fast would end and what type of goodies they can eat after

that! One is at a loss to understand why these people fast at all!

By the way, some even fast for pure stunt value!'

39. `The Tamasic fellow too is perverted in his own way. Unable to

understand what moderation means, he sometimes literally tortures

his body in the name of observing austerities. This fool does not

realise that by doing so, he is actually torturing Me!'

40. `Thus Gunas make people do the same thing in many different

ways, and with very different attitudes too. Let Me now move on to

the subject of charity.'

41. `Properly performed, an act of charity is an ex-pression of

compassion. That is why the scriptures commend charity. While the

Sattvic person offers charity the way it should be, with humility

and no expectation of reward or benefit, the Rajasic person will

make every effort to get all the mileage he can. He is a real stunt

man, and goes all out for publicity! As for the Tamasic person, he

makes sure he gives the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong

time! Not only that, he often gives with utter contempt for the


42. `Arjuna, this world is a deceptive mix of Sat or Truth and Asat

or untruth. Life is a journey where man has to avoid untruth and be

guided by Truth. If man thinks he can do it all by himself, he is

sure to get into all kinds of trouble and problems. But if he

reposes total faith in Me and worships Me with one-pointedness, then

I will drive him through, even as I am now driving your chariot!'


Ram Chugani

Kobe, Japan


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