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Analects of Swami Sivananda

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(ix) Words of Light


124. Atman shines in the cave of the heart. He who has purified his

heart through renunciation attains this immortal Atman and is liberated.

125. Combine knowledge with self-control.

126. Pleasure is pain in another form. Prosperity is misery in another


127. Pleasures are harbingers o fpain. Life here is meant only for


128. Every man wishes always to be happy for ever. Everyone has the

greatest love for onself. This is solely due to the fact that happiness

is one's real nature.

129. He alone is a learned man who has renounced his all.

130. Do not in the least contemplate upon such realilties of

distinctions as friend or foe, praise or censure, honour or

dishonour, 'you', 'I', or 'he'.

131. Everybody must pass through for himself from the world of

appearances into the world of Reality.

132. Wealth generates pride, naughtiness, fear and anger.

133. The true fountain of eternal life and bliss is within you. Wander

not aimlessly here and there to search this Immortal fountain. Gaze

within and dive deep into the holy fountain and drink the nectar of


134. Man has an urge for perfection, freedom, eternal bliss and


135. It is only when the mind, being divested of all its desires, is

indifferent to pleasures or pains and is not attracted by any objects

that it will be rendered pure, free from the grip of the great delusion.

136.Discrimination, enquiry, dispassion, aspiration, faith, self-

restraint and meditation create out of mortal man, the immortal elixir,

the eternal wisdom.

137. There will be the illumination of the true Jnana or wisdom of the

Self in one who has cut asunder all Vasanas through discrimination,

enquiry and dispassion, who is engaged in ceaseless enquiry of the


138. There will be spiritual enlightenment in one who is free from the

base thoughts of the mind, who has known the true nature of

Satchidananda which destroys the unreality, inertness and pains of the

visible objects.

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