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Nama Article- 18-12-07

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Dear Members,


Excerpts from the discourse of our Sri Sri Muralidhara



Bhagavan Nãma Bodendra Saraswati has written

innumerable 'grantãs' (books) in connection with 'Nãma

siddhãnta' (the philosophy of the Divine Name). Today,

many of them are not to be found. 'Bhagavan Nãma

Rasodayam' is the most important of all his 'grantãs'.

The learned say that this 'granta' contains the

substance of all the other 'grantãs'.


'Bhagavan Nãma Rasodayam' consists of 8 'ullãsam', i.e

chapters. In the first 'ullãsam' Sri Bodendra conducts

an enquiry ('vichãra')

- 'Is merit accrued due to performance of Bhagavan


He delves into this. What is the reply coming forth

from him?

- 'No one can demur that merit is accrued due to

Bhagavan Nãmakirtan'.

All are aware of this. The Shastras admit this -

'sarva Shastra sammadam'


What precise 'vichãra' does the Swami conduct and what

is the conclusion that he arrives at? It cannot be

refuted that merit is accrued due to Bhagavan

Nãmakirtan. This has been admitted by all the

Shastras. However, he concludes, 'only due to merits

earned in crores of births does Bhagavan Nãma come on

our tongue.'


Now, what is the proof ('pramãna') of any merit

earning acts ('punya') to our credit? It is certain

that we have done 'punya'. What is the evidence? So

many of us have gathered here and are performing

Nãmasankirtan! Are we not? We are chanting Bhagavan

Nãmakirtan. We know from Bodendra's 'hrudaya' (heart)

that the reason for Bhagavan Nãma being uttered by us

is only due to 'punya' accrued from meritorious acts

performed in crores of 'janma' (birth).


Chant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan :


Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare




If you have any questions or doubts concerning

Spirituality, Mental peace or problems in life or

about dharma, please write to us by clicking here:


His Holiness Sri Sri Swamiji personally answers these

questions for you and suggests prayers.







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