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Pujya Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

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Rise Above Favorable and Unfavorable Situations


Just like the body never remains the same, it is constantly changing,

at all times, in the same way, that which is to be known by the

senses, the mind, the intellect, such as the entire Universe and it's

objects are all constantly changing. They never remain the same. They

conitnue to come together and later part.


Those objects that we like, when we come in contact with them, we

feel happy, and on separation from them we feel unhappy. Those things

that we do not like, we are happy by there departure and unhappy when

we encounter them again. Even these objects are coming and going and

unreal. Similarly the senses and inner faculties by which we gain

knowledge of the objects and things are also coming and going and not

permanent. And the happiness and unhappiness that comes from these

objects it also comes and goes and is not permanent.


But the Self ever remains the same, it is permanent, without any

changes. Rather one must bare it. That is from it's union and

separation one must not become happy or sad. In fact one must remain



Both happiness and unhappiness are different, but the seer of the

both is the same, and is separate from that happiness and

unhappiness. On seeing the changing, one realizes the unchanging Self



In Gita " Sheetoshnu " (Gita 2:14), the " Sheet " refers to favorable

and " Ushnu " refers to unfavorable. The point here is that if it is

too cold then the tree dies and even if it is too hot the tree may

die. Therefore in the results, both heat and cold are the same. In

the same manner favorable and unfavorable situations are the same.

Therefore God has said - bare them (saho), that is he has commanded

to rise above them both.

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