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Our Vedas (Certain Revelations) - Part 1 - By Sri.Sri.Muralidhara Swamiji.

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“There are two kinds of state for all beginning from

Lord Brahma to a worm. The general state (‘avasthai’)

of all creatures beginning from Lord Brahma (the

Creator) to a worm are ‘eating’ and ‘drinking’. These

two states (‘avasthai’) have the body (‘deham’) as

their base.


‘Poorna kumbha’ is given while welcoming Mahans. The

Upanishad Mantra (chanted then) says, ‘Anando brahmeti

vyajãnãt.’ When the Upanishad begins to explain the

joy (‘ãnanda’) derived by each ‘It’ goes on to

say:--What sort of a birth does one get, who considers

that from his birth until death thinks that he is only

this body (‘deham’), one who has ‘deha

abhimãna’/‘dehãtma buddhi’ (the thought that he is

only the body), one who thinks “I am only this

‘sariira’ (body); I am nothing else other than this

‘sariira’” attain? In what form does such a one come

back to this earth after death?


He will be born as any of the creature - from Lord

Brahma to the worm - that suffers the state of eating

and drinking. Up to his time of death he has not lost

the feeling that he is the body. He feels, ‘It is only

the body that is me’; ‘I am nothing else but the

body’. He has not given up the feeling that he is the

body. Since he feels that the body is verily he the

next question will be, in what form does he come back

to the earth? We do worry about the form that we would

take in our subsequent births and try to learn this

through the Shastra or horoscope or ‘jyotisha’

(astrology). One who has the feeling that he is verily

the body will certainly return to the earth taking a

body only - one of the forms of the ‘jiivarãsis’



The Vedas go on to say, ‘The second category is one

who feels that he is the ‘prãna’ (breath). One who

possesses a little more discrimination (‘viveka’)

thinks, ‘There is some lifeline in this body. I am not

this body but this lifeline.’ In practical life, those

who know nothing such as Vedanta see if there is life

in the body or not. Because, according to the Shastras

we are not the body. What is the proof (‘pramãna’) for

saying that we are not this body? If this (live) body

becomes dead (‘mritha sariira’), if the

‘Chaitanya’(consciousness) in the body leaves, there

is no response when somebody touches this body; when

something is dropped into the mouth the taste is not

felt; if there be good fragrance around it is not

smelt. Then, the statement that it is only the body

that is ‘bhokta’ (enjoyer) who had been enjoying all

these becomes falsified. The body exists but remains a

‘mritha sariira’ (dead body) and it experiences

nothing whatsoever. Hence, it is proved that it is not

the body that undergoes the varied experiences. There

is something/someone else for the body (to function).

He then realizes that it is only that someone else who

sees, that it is only that someone else who eats, that

it is only that someone else who hears. But, when does

this realisation occur? Only after the body becomes

‘mritha sariira’. But, there is no use of knowing

then. Some people say, ‘it is only ‘prãna’ (breath)

that goes out and it is only ‘prãna’ that comes in.’

they possess jnana to that extent. The Vedas speaks

next about such people who hold the view, ‘It is only

‘prãna’ that is me’. At night one is asleep. While

sleeping the ‘prãna’ is functioning. If there is no

‘prãna’ he will become a ‘mritha sariira’ (dead body).

The ‘prãna’ is functioning on its own. Even when

‘prãna’ is working he does not hear any sound; he does

not smell any fragrance; he does not feel when

touched; he does not know where he is lying down.

Since he has no experience of any ‘sukha sparsha’

(touch) or ‘bhoga thanmai’ (enjoyment) even when the

‘prãna’ is running the Vedas brushes aside the opinion

that he is the ‘prãna’. While speaking on the

destination attained by such people who think that

they are the ‘prãna’ (‘I am not this body but there is

something within it; there is breath that moves

inside. It is verily this breath that is me’) the

Vedas say that such people go to ‘pitru loka’ (world

of ancestors).


While speaking on the third kind of people (we find

that) there are those who think, ‘I am verily this

manas’ (mind) - ‘I am not ‘prãna’, I am not ‘sariira’

but I am this ‘manas’ (mind).’


!!! Will Continue !!!




Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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