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Our Vedas (Certain Revelations) - Part 5 - By Sri.Sri.Muralidhara Swamiji.

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Dear Members,


The ‘klesam’ of Mahans cannot be set right by ordinary

people. Mahans set right the ‘klesam’ in the minds of

ordinary mortals. But, if a Mahan experiences

disturbance only another Mahan can understand it.

Meeting of Mahans at such times comes about by itself.

Sage Vyãsa experiences such disturbance of mind. At

this time Sage Narada accidentally comes there. He was

not called for. He comes only accidentally. This is

seen in the Bhãgavatam. Narada comes to the place

where Sage Vyãsa is seated with ‘mana klesam’ (mental

disturbance). Vyãsa gets up and rushes up to welcome

him. Bhãgavatam reads as, ‘Vyãsa gets up and welcomes

him. This chapter (1:4) concludes with the line,

‘Poojayãmãsa vidhivat Nãradam surapoojitam’ - Narada

who is worshipped by Devas was worshipped (by Sage

Vyãsa) in the prescribed way. Sage Vyãsa himself was a

great Mahatma. He is described as ‘Swayam Narayana’ -

verily Lord Narayana. It is said that Vyãsa was an

‘amsa’ (incarnation) of Lord Narayana. In spite of it

he worshipped Narada. Knowing that Narada had come to

his place, he rushed up to him, welcomed him and

performed puja as prescribed (by the Shastras).


Soon after the puja Narada asks Vyãsa, “There is some

‘klesam’ in your mind. What is it?”

Vyãsa tells, “Yes. There is ‘klesam’ in my mind but I

know not the reason. Why don’t you please enlighten me

on it?”

Even at the outset Narada tells wonderfully, “Na tatha

Vãsudevasya mahima hyanuvarnnitah” - Do you know how

long you would experience this ‘klesam’? Until such

time that you write the glory of Lord Vãsudeva, the

glory of Lord Krishna in a Granta, this ‘klesam’ will

not leave your mind - ‘Na tatha Vãsudevasya mahima

hyanuvarnnitah’. You should describe them all (the

glory). Until you do such a Granta the disturbance of

mind will not leave you.”

At once Vyãsa asks Narada, “How should I go about it?

How to do a ‘Bhakti prãdhãna Granta’? (a Holy Text

illustrating Bhakti predominantly).


Narada describes the way he earned Bhakti. Krishna

Charitra is only from the 10th Canto. Prior to it one

finds the stories of Ambareesha, Ajamila, Dhruva,

Prahalada, etc. While beginning Prahlada charitra,

Sukha says at the outset, ‘Bhãgavata mãhãtmyam

Bhagavad Bhakti vardhanam’ - as you keep listening to

the life histories of Bhãgavats, devotion to the Lord

will grow.


Even listening about Bhagavãn will not induce/help

deepen Bhakti! In the life histories of Mahans we read

the way they performed tapas; their deep yearning for

the Lord. Only on reading such matters we feel,

‘Should we not do atleast 1% or 10% of what they had

done?’ While reading Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s

charitra (a great Avatãra Purusha) we find him

declaring, ‘It is verily I who had come as Rama and

Krishna.’ But, for 12 years he weeps day and night for

Bhagavãn. He fears ‘kãmam’ (desire), ‘kãnchanam’

(wealth) and ‘keerti’ (fame). While reading that such

great Mahans wept day and night for Bhagavãn it hits

our mind and heart with a force. Why should we read

such charitrãs? Only this will kindle the fire of

devotion in us. Only then will the thought, ‘We should

do atleast one percent of what they had done,’ arise.

Therefore, what is the great glory of Bhãgavatam? Let

us keep aside Krishna Charitra.


!!! Will Continue !!!




Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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