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Our Vedas (Certain Revelations) - Part 7 - By Sri.Sri.Muralidhara Swamiji.

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The blessed will earn belief in ‘itihãsa puranãs’

(Epics), Bhagavãn’s saguna (the Lord’s form),

Bhagavãn’s saguna charitra (the divine play of the

Lord). It is only such people who earn Bhakti for

Bhagavãn. Only those who do not earn this should seek

out dhyana/yoga. For earning these, for comprehending

Bhagavãn’s Lila, for earning belief in

‘itihãsa-purãnãs’, for earning belief in Bhagavãn’s

Avatãra (Incarnation) we should have earned great

merits (‘punya’). One should have earned that

‘bhãgyam’ (fortune). Only if one has earned ‘punya’

(good merits) and earned ‘bhagya’ (fortune) will one

earn conviction in these. One will feel that it is

only ‘nirguna’ (formless) that is greater than

‘saguna’ (form). Or the ‘buddhi’ will be attracted to

sadhana. Only one whose heart is dry wherein Bhakti

does not spring forth should seek such ways. One in

whom questions/doubts about the incidents in

‘itihãsa-purãnãs’ rise one after another, just as the

waves in the ocean, is not the ‘adhikãri’ (the

eligible) for bhakti. Bhakti performed with doubt

(‘samsayam’) will not become fruitful. How can bhakti

done with doubt about the existence of Bhagavãn become

fruitful? That bhakti will certainly not bear fruit.

Only bhakti done with ‘drida vishwãs’ (steadfast

faith) about the existence of God will be successful.

Such a ‘vishwãs’ is a must.


One in whom such bhakti has not sprung forth, one in

whose mind such questions keep arising, he/she should

take to vichãra, dhyana, yoga as per his/her

aptitude/intelligence. One cannot say how long this

intelligence will work. It can fail any time. This is

because there is no God there to support him. There,

he depends solely on his own intelligence. In Bhakti,

Bhagavãn chases them. That is why in Kali Yuga Mahans

have shown,

‘Prãyennalpãyushah sabhya kalãvsmin yuge janãh

mandah sumanta mathayo mandabhãgya hyupadrutah’


(Srimad Bhãgavatam 1:1:10)


-- in this age of Kali Yuga we celebrate

‘sathãbhishekha’ (on completing 100 years of age),

‘Sashtiyapta poorti’ (completion of 60 years of age).

But, our Purãnãs say that this is ‘alpãyush’ (trivial

life time)! Even 100 years is deemed as a short span!

Why so? The reason for this is during Ramayana period

people had lived - ‘Dasa varusha sahasrãni’ - for

60,000 years even in the ordinary course of life!

Therefore, for those who have lived 60,000 years,

70,000 years, or 100,000 years, living a 100 or 80 or

60 years appears insignificant lifetime. So, ‘Kalã

asmin yuge janãh’ - what is the position of people (in

Kali yuga)? They have a short span of lifetime.

‘Mandabhãgyah’ - In Kali no one’s life is peaceful.

None can boast of leading a peaceful life. Some

difficulty or the other befalls him - financial

difficulty, disease, some family problem, being

childless - some sorrow or the other is suffered by

him. In Kali Yuga one cannot find anyone who enjoys

total peace except those who do bhajan. All the rest

suffer some shortcoming.


!!! Will Continue !!!




Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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