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Our Vedas (Certain Revelations) - Part 8 - By Sri.Sri.Muralidhara Swamiji.

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Dear Members,


In Kali Yuga Mahans have shown just two ways - what

are these?


One is to listen to Bhagavãn’s story and the other is

to do kirtana. These are the only two ways. Then why

are there people doing tapas? Only if they perform

japa, dhyana properly without any slip will they be

able to see Bhagavãn in this lifetime; But, it is

enough if you keep saying Nãma (the Name of the Lord).

What will happen if you keep saying the Nãma? The Lord

will certainly take you unto Him in your last moment.

It cannot be said for certain if you will see God

within your lifetime now as it depends on your ‘Nãma

bala’ (the power of your chanting it). But, in your

last breath Bhagavãn will definitely take you to

Moksha - unto Himself. There is only one matter of

consideration here. Have we become the subject of

affection for Bhagavãn? This is the only consideration

to be looked into. He (Bhagavãn) says, ‘I will take

only those ‘jiivas’ who have attracted my love.’ Thus,

we should know if we have become a subject of

interest/affection (‘abhimãna’) for Bhagavãn.

‘Bhagavãn does not speak to me, He does not tell me

anything, I do not understand these. So, how to know

that I have become a vessel for Bhagavãn’s ‘abhimãna’


In Kali, Bhagavãn has shown two ways. One is ‘Kirtana’

(singing the Name of the Lord/praises of the Lord) and

the other is ‘Katha sravana’ (listening to God’s

divine plays). Know that you have become a subject for

Bhagavãn’s ‘abhimãna’ the moment you desire to read

Bhãgavatam, the moment you desire to do Bhagavãn’s

‘Kirtana’. This is the only ‘pramãna’ (proof). This is

not my ‘vãkya’ (statement) but the words of Mahans.

The moment you develop faith in Bhagavãn’s Nãma, the

thought to utter Bhagavan Nãma, listen to Bhagavãn’s

story and gunãs it goes to show that Bhagavãn has

'abhimãna' towards you.


Here, Sridharar in his ‘bhãshyam’ (commentary) puts

forth a very enjoyable (‘rãsikhyamã’) way - “Bhagavãn

begins to like some people. Even we find that we like

some without any reason whatsoever. Just on meeting

with some we like them for no reason whatsoever.

Likewise, Bhagavãn also likes some people very much.

So, Bhagavãn thinks, ‘I must take them unto my Feet

(‘charana’). I must not push them again into this

‘janana-marana samsãra’ (life of birth-death). If the

Lord takes them directly others will question Him,

‘Without doing anything these people have been

accepted by Bhagavan. Bhagavãn is partial (‘paksha

pãdi’). Even Bhagavãn likes some and dislikes some.’

It seems people would abuse Bhagavãn in this manner.

So, what does Bhagavãn do? It is only those whom He

loves does He permit to touch Bhãgavatam! Bhãgavata

Text is placed into their hands and they read

Bhãgavatam. What is the reason for this? He has

somehow found a way to take them ashore. If someone

questions Him on this matter, ‘How could you take him

ashore (this ocean of life)?’ Bhagavãn can boldly

point out, ‘He read Bhãgavatam. So, I have taken him

ashore!’ Why did Bhagavãn make him read Bhãgavatam?

Bhagavãn liked him so made him read Bhãgavatam. So,

those ‘jiivas’ who have earned His affection, those

whom He desires to take unto Himself, Bhagavãn shows

one of the two ways - one is that Bhagavãn Nãma comes

on to the tongue of such a person and he does Kirtana

or Bhagavãn makes him read Bhãgavatam. Others strive

hard with dhyana, yoga and they attain ‘gati’ not in

this but in thousand janmas only. This is the last

janma for one who believes in ‘kripa’ (Grace). They

will attain (Moksha) in their last moment.” This is

Bhakti granta. It is only to speak the glory of ‘katha

sravana’ (listening to story [the Lord’s Lila].


!!! Will Continue !!!




Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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