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Analects of Swami Sivananda

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91. The existence of the Atman or he Supreme Soul is self-evident as

it is the Eternal Witness, the ETernal Subject, the unchangeable

Reality in man.

92. Motion or change can be known only in relation to something that

is static.

93. There must be something absolutely beyond all motion and change.

That is Atman or the Supreme Soul.

94. Body, mind, everything we experience is a series of changes.

95. There must be something beyond body and mind which does not


96. The subject or the witness cannot be an object seen or cognised.

97. Just as one man alone becomes many in dream, so also the one God

exists as many.

98. Just as the butter pervades the milk, just as the sugarcane juice

pervades the whole sugar cane, so also this Atman pervades the whole


99. When the sleeper awaked, the dream disappears completely. Even

so, the Prarabdha, being unreal, ceases to exist on the rise of Self-

knowledge or Brahma-Jnana.

100. Unity is not unformity. Unity is oneness of consciousness.

101. In cosmic consciousness the whole world becomes one's abode and

all mankind one's family.

102. In all that is mutable and changeable enveloping all residing

within all, there is found the immutable.

103. Within the many, there is found one, the Reality, cause of all


104. Steadiness is rooting oneself in the Eternal or Para Brahman.

105. Atman or the Supreme Soul is beyond sorrow, confusion, hunger,

third, old age and death.

106. Atman is relationless. It has nothing to do with activity or

change or thought.

107. Atman is extremely subtle. It cannot be grasped by the mind

which is not purified and concentrated.

108. The Atman is ever pure and does not require purification.

109. Atman or the Supreme Self is the eternal, indivisible, non-dual,

consciousness, the witness of the intellect. It is the immediate


110. Living silence lives in silence. This Atman is silence. Realise

this silence through silent meditation.

111. Atman or the Supreme Being is hidden in all these names and

forms. He who realises the Atman is soon freed from impurities and

birth and death.

112. The timeless Atman is the basic Reality. Transcend time and rest

peacefully forever in this timeless spirit, thy own innermost self.

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