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Pujya Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

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All Actions are for the Welfare of the World


There are two kinds of Purusas in the world, the perishable (ksara)

and the imperishable (aksara). All bodies of beings are said to be

perishable and the unchanging Embodied Soul (Jivaatmaa) is called

Imperishable. (Gita 15:16)


" Dvaavimau purusau loke ksarascaaksara eva ca

ksarah sarvaani bhootaani kootastho ksara ucyate. " (Gita 15:16)


On deeper inquiry it becomes clear that the world is divided into two

aspects, the perishable objects that can be seen, such as the body

(insentient) and the imperishable Soul (sentient) which cannot be

seen, and which resides in the body. It is due to the existence of

the Soul in the body, that the life breath is active and therefore

body and it's functions take place. As soon as Soul leaves the body,

and along with it the life-breath, the body stops functioning and the

body begins to rot. People burn / bury that body, as it's usefulness

is only as long as the Soul resides in it. This is because it is not

the perishable body that is of significance, rather, it is the

Imperishable and Eteranl Soul which is significant.


All objects made of the five gross elements - earth, water, fire, air

and ether are insentient and perishable. The physical body has its

identity with the physical world; the subtle body consisting of the

ten senses, five vital airs, mind and intellect has its identity with

the subtle world, while the causal body (nature, impressions,

ignorance etc) has it's identity with the causal world. But all of

these are called " ksara " because they are all perishable.


In fact, there is no such thing as individuality (independent

existence). It is only due to considering a small portion of this

vast world as our very own, that we call it as individual /

independent identity. We believe the body and the objects as apart

from the world, only because of our attachment to them and feeling of

mineness, but in reality they are not apart. All objects and actions

belong only to Nature (prakriti). Therefore all actions with the

physical, subtle, and causal body are to be performed for the welfare

of the world at large and not for our own self.

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