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AATHREYA – Dr.Bala Krishna Murthy Ramaraju


10 Elmwood Dr, Apalachin , NY 13732-4300 , US






Cell Phone No. : 508 – 265 - 1124




AATHREYA - Sanaathana Dharma , The Eternal Truth




Sanaathana Dharma is God's Dharma . God is Sanaathana Brahman ,


hence Sanaathana Dharma . God is forever and hence His Dharma is


The Eternal Truth. Omnipresent God, His Dharma is Universal Dharma.




In the beginning there was no idol worship and there was no need for


idol worship as all the Great Realized Souls , Deva Rishis , Brahma


Rishis , Raaja rishis and Mahaa Rishis had easy access to Brahma


in Sathya Lokam , Vishnu in Vaikhunttam and Shiva in Kailaasam.


Only Aadi Paraa Shakthi in Her Meru Sri Chakram in the middle of


Her MaNi Dweepam , is not so easily accessible to all but for a few.




All that the Rishis wanted is to acquire Vedic Knowledge and God is


equally keen to impart the SanaathanaDharma Wisdom to The Rishis.




Starting with The Primordial Sound of PraNavanaadam - Omkaaram,


They were able to decode full Vedic compendium and passed on by


word of mouth to their desciples, The Vedic & Upanishadic Knowledge




Next came the phase of Thapass, intense meditation, self denial of all


creature comforts with intention only of Universal welfare; their efforts


were interrupted by Apsaras , celestial damsels , at the behest of Indra


Some like Sage Viswaamithra succumbed , some were able to resist


the temptation and yet others like NaaraayaNa Rishi created their own


Apsara like Oorvasi from His thigh in Badarika Vanam, Himalayas.




Shiva is the God most easy to please and ready to grant whatever boons


asked for without bothering about consequences; Shiva - Bholaa Shankar .



Brahma is a bit more difficult to please than Shiva , but He too out of



for His progeny ultimately had to yield and grant the boons .


The most difficult of all to please is Vishnu , a very discerning God who


weighed all the pros and cons before He is ready to grant what is asked for,



but when once granted the boon is irrevocable.




Next phase in Sanaathana Dharma is Vedic Ritualistic one , involving


Fire sacrifice of various food offerings to propitiate Gods , gradually


leading to animal sacrifice and in some instances even human sacrifice .


It is Sage Viswaamithra who put a stop to abhorrent human sacrifice


( please refer to my post about Sunassepa and sacrifice to VaruNa ) .


Gradually animal sacrifices also were given up thanks to Chaarvaaka ,


Drs.Charaka & Sushrutha ,Gauthama Buddha and Jina Theertthankaras.




Finally Sanaathana Dharma embraced pure and simple Bhakthi Maarg ,


Influenced by Aadi Shankaraacharya's Adwaitham , SriRamanujacharya's


Visishtta Advaitham , Sri Mardwaacharya's Dwaitham, Sri Raama Krishna,


Nimbalkar's Dwaitha – Adwaitham , Vallabhaacharya's Pushtti Maargam.


Akshara SwaminaarayaNa Maargam , Meera-Chaithanya-Srila Prabhupada


Sri Krishna Maargam and Swaami Chinmayaananda and many many more.




Sanaathana Dharma has adapted , adopted , adjusted , tolerated and


accepted many divergent views and still retained its Essential Broad-


minded perception of seeing God everywhere and in everyone , seeing


God as one and at the same time as many , both as NirguNa as well as


SaguNa ParaaBrahman , as Masculine Purusha , Feminine Shakthi as


Well as a Dual Arthanareeswara .




Hence IT is Sanaathana Dharma ,Eternal Dharma , Universal Dharma ,






Om Thath Sath , Om Shaanthi , Rutham , Sathyam , Na Anrutham.




aathreya - ramaraju , bala krishna murthy.




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