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297. Kaamah -One who is the beloved. Not only He is the beloved of the

devotees, but every activity of all living creatures is an attempt at

courting and winning bliss and happiness. The Blissful Self is the goal

of all creatures in life. Even insignifical1t unicellular organisms

revolt against pain, and they too seek happiness. Man is no exception.

The Infinite Bliss which is experienced only on transcending the body,

mind and intellect, is that which is constantly demanded by every

organism that breathes in this universe. In the ignorance of this All

Satisfying Goal, the world suffers. That Lord is the beloved of all

devotees, and in fact, He is also the beloved of even those who deny

Him and run after the sense- objects. The theist seeks Him through

devotion or meditation. The atheist too seeks Him only in and through

all his diligent pursuits of the sense-stimuli.

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